[编剧解读Mr.Nimbus] 首先我们谷歌一下这个词,会发现这个词的意思是雨云或者光环。在拉丁语里,Nimbus的意思是”large gray rain cloud” Nimbus大人,一个控制海洋和井茶的饥渴海王,而且甚至和某知名漫威角色...
Writer, Birdperson / Phoenixperson / Mr. Nimbus / Acid Man / Alejandro Justin Roiland Writer, Rick Sanchez / Morty Smith / Morty / Rick / Additional Voices Tom Kauffman Writer Back to Next and Previous controls End of Cast and crew
Richard Daniel "Rick" Sanchez of Dimension C-137, commonly referred to as Rick C-137, is the titular main protagonist of Rick and Morty.He is a megagenius[16] scientist whose alcoholism and reckless, nihilistic behavior are sources of concern for "his daughter's" family, as well as the...
Writer, Birdperson / Phoenixperson / Mr. Nimbus / Acid Man / Alejandro Justin Roiland Writer, Rick Sanchez / Morty Smith / Morty / Rick / Additional Voices Tom Kauffman Writer Back to Next and Previous controls End of Cast and crew
Pickle Rick: Directed by Anthony Chun, Wesley Archer, Nathan Litz. With Justin Roiland, Chris Parnell, Spencer Grammer, Sarah Chalke. Rick turns himself into a pickle while Beth, Summer, and Morty go to family therapy.
And for what? 我什么都不会,这是为了什么? How many enemies do you have to have? 你到底有多少敌人? Why is everything a fight with you? 为何老爱起冲突? You might want to learn this early, Morty. 你要早点看清 - Life is a fight. - With Mr. Nimbus? -人生充满了冲突-跟宁波先生吗?
Rick Sanchez / Morty Smith (voice) / Mr. Poopybutthole (voice) Justin Roiland Summer Smith (voice) / Glenn's Wife (voice) / Dream Summer (voice) Spencer Grammer Jerry Smith (voice) Chris Parnell Beth Smith (voice) Sarah Chalke Additional Voices (voice) / Jessica (voice) / (voice) ...
本集的尼姆布斯先生(Mr. Nimbus)模仿的是漫威反英雄纳摩·麦肯齐(Namor McKenzie)纳摩绰号海底人(...
朋友Rick的过去 Mr.Nimbus是Rick曾经的好友。 两个人关系好到Rick,黛安,Nimbus曾经一起“三人行。”也曾一起并肩作战。Rick知道Nimbus的喜好,Nimbus也常常嘲讽Ric…阅读全文 赞同17015 条评论 分享收藏喜欢 如何评价动画《瑞克和莫蒂》第五季第二集? 亲手杀死上帝 关于上帝死了这个陈年...
Praised for its intelligent writing and satirical comedy,Rick and Mortyseason 7 has everyone talking — but who does all the talking on the show? Previously, series co-creatorJustin Roilandvoiced both titular characters along with many others like Mr. Meeseeks and Mr. Poopy Butthole. But in Jan...