The Rick and Morty Wiki is an unofficial collaborative database for the hit [adult swim] series Rick and Morty, a science-fiction, black comedy series about genius inventor, Rick Sanchez, and his naive grandson, Morty Smith. The American animated television show is created by Justin Roiland an...
Rick Sanchez (Goo Monster Target) was an alternate version of Rick and the first target of the Rick-killing Goo Monster. Rick was building a soapbox racer with his grandson Morty in the garage when he started to goof around a little with a water hose. As
"Childrick of Mort" is the ninth episode of the fourth season of Rick and Morty, and the 40th episode of the series overall. It premiered on May 24, 2020. It was written by James Siciliano and directed by Kyounghee Lim. The episode is rated TV-14-DLSV. J
"Analyze Piss" is the eight episode of the sixth season of Rick and Morty. It is the 56th episode of the series overall. It premiered on November 27, 2022. It was written by James Siciliano and directed by Fill Marc Sagadraca. The episode is rated TV-14-DLV. ...
After failing to ask Jessica to the upcoming school dance, Morty resolves to ask Rick for a potion to make Jessica fall in love with him. Rick refuses to do so, but later complies after Morty complains about how he always helps Rick, but never gets anyth
Comics Rick and Morty Lil’ Poopy Superstar Pocket Like You Stole It Rick and Morty Presents Rick and Morty vs. Dungeons and Dragons Rick and Morty: Go To Hell Rick and Morty: Worlds Apart Rick and Morty: Ever After Rick and Morty: Rick's New Hat Games All Games Pock...
“A Rickconvenient Mort” – Rick and Morty do a spectacular riff on Captain Planet that will both remind you of your childhood, and taint it forever at the same time. “Rickternal Friendshine of the Spotless Mort” – Rick finally addresses the fallout from the season 2 finale, making ev...
“Rick and Morty” has been renewed for two more seasons at Adult Swim, propelling television’s favorite mad scientist and grandson duo through Season 12. As Season 8 is slated for 2025, and the Season 10 renewal was announced in 2023, the Season 12 greenlight pushes the Emmy-winning anima...
Not only was Tiny Rick popular within the world of Rick and Morty, he was also popular with fans - so much so that he makes a comeback in the comics.
Rick and Morty: Rick’s New Hat £15.99 It was THE comics event of 2021: Rick’s New Hat! No really. It’s a thing. See, there’s a hat. And it’s Ricks. And it’s NEW. Also time, space, and reality are unravelling and nobody seems to care. ...