Morty, do it!Morty 动手 Hit the button now!快摁按钮 I can't do it, Rick!我做不到 Rick They're my parents and sister!这可是我的爸妈和姐姐啊 Morty, I already told you it's not your family!Morty 我已经和你说过了这不是你家人 They're clones from an alternate reality,是另一个未来的...
Bethany "Beth" Smith (née Sanchez) of Dimension C-131 is one of the five main characters in Rick and Morty. She is the daughter of Rick C-131 (deceased) and Diane Sanchez, the wife of Jerry Smith (originally of Jerry Smith C-131), and the mother of Summ
Rick and Morty《瑞克和莫蒂(2013)》第四季第三集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,Rick, I-Im not rated to climb something this sheer. Rick 这么陡的坡我爬不了 Look, youre the guy that wanted an epic adventure. 注意 要个史诗级冒险的人是你 Im the guy with only one ho
"The Whirly Dirly Conspiracy" is the fifth episode of the third season of Rick and Morty. It is the 26th episode of the series overall. It premiered on August 20, 2017. It was written by Ryan Ridley and directed by Juan Meza-León. The episode is rated T
这样吗 那太迟了 直接说你到底想要干嘛吧 I want you and your sister to come home. 我想要你跟你姐姐回家 Oh, but don’t -- don’t you have infinite versions of me and my sister? 你不是有无穷无尽的我跟我姐姐可以替代么 You don’t have to kick me while I’m down, Morty. 你不用落...
最后 And last but not least, 给我的最得力助手的礼物 for my number one number two. 莫蒂,你很久以前就想要这个 Morty you asked for this a long, long time ago 我终于跑到超远的地方买hearts;hearts;到了 and I finally went far, far away enough to get it 因为运费贵死了 since shipping ...
As it turned out, the variety that a commercial music house offered was a good training ground for the diversity of music that Rick And Morty would demand. It also put him in Hollywood's post-production milieu where, in 2006, he met Justin Roiland, who, with partner Dan Harmon, was dev...
Rick and Morty《瑞克和莫蒂(2013)》第三季第十集完整中英文对照剧本.docx,Come on, football! Go, go! 加油 橄榄球 冲啊 Oh, come on. 噢 给点力啊 Play football! 好好打球 RICK: So, you’re mining stuff to craft with 所以 你是通过挖矿来造东西 and crafting stuff
I feel like I've spent my life pretending you're a great guy and trying to be like you. And the ugly truth has always been... That I'm not that great a guy and you're exactly like me. Am I evil? Worse. You're smart. When you know nothing matters, the universe is yours. ...
Oh, yeah, Morty, yeah. Yeah, that... that... that's real easy to say from thesidekickposition. But... but, uh, how about next time you be in charge, and then we'll talk about how simple and fun it is? sidekick助手、随从 ...