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Rick and Morty's Rushed Licensed Adventure Troy: A Life Lived Rickstaverse Minecraft The RickShank Rickdemption (Game) All items (43)# A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other A Amateur Surgeon 4: Re-Generations Anatomy Park (Game) C Close...
莫蒂·史密斯 探索 当前 分类:角色、男性角色、活着的角色、 以及其他6个分类 大陆简体 1 这个让大家(如果有人的话...希望注册后的)更,我先弄下分类(弄这个很累的) 社区内容除另有注明外,均在CC-BY-SA许可协议下提供。
For the version in "The Ricklantis Mixup", see Glasses Morty. Specs Morty is a Paper-type Morty in Pocket Mortys. He can't evolve. His strong interest in family mentioned in his description is a reference to his wish that "incest porn should have a more
"Analyze Piss" is the eight episode of the sixth season of Rick and Morty. It is the 56th episode of the series overall. It premiered on November 27, 2022. It was written by James Siciliano and directed by Fill Marc Sagadraca. The episode is rated TV-14-
"Forgetting Sarick Mortshall" is the ninth episode of the fifth season of Rick and Morty, and the 50th episode of the series overall. It premieres on September 5, 2021. It was written by Siobhan Thompson and directed by Kyounghee Lim. The episode is rate
Season 7 is the seventh season of Rick and Morty. It premiered on October 15, 2023 and ended on December 17[1]. It contained 10 episodes,[2] which was on par with most previous seasons. However, in contrast to previous seasons, this season was the first
“ This Morty brought a rock to a stick fight and really changed the game. — In-game description Stone Age Morty is a Rock-type Morty in Pocket Mortys. He evolves into Bronze Age Morty, and further evolves into Iron Age Morty. Site navigation Expandv • e Pocket Mortys Categories...
杰瑞·史密斯(英语:Jerry Smith)是莫蒂·史密斯与萨莫尔·史密斯的父亲,同时也是贝丝·史密斯的第一任丈夫。
Spec Ops Morty is a Scissors-type Morty in Pocket Mortys. He is the final evolution of Agent Morty.