A Rickle in Time: Directed by Wesley Archer, Pete Michels. With Justin Roiland, Chris Parnell, Spencer Grammer, Sarah Chalke. Having restarted time, Rick, Morty and Summer are in a quantum-uncertain state of existence. An argument leads to the creation o
A Rickle In Time (Season 2, Episode 1) 这集紧接上了第一季的结尾,杰瑞和贝丝被冻结在时间里。时间重启后,summer和莫蒂之间的争吵意外地将他们的现实分割成了不同的时间线,威胁到了空间时间连续体的结构。 这集是剧集中比较有野心的一集,通过分屏同时描述了多个时间线的事件。它变得有点混乱缺少传统电视剧...
E01:A Rickle in Time -时间线分裂 第一季第11集末尾,Rick将时间停止来维修在party中被损坏的房子。本集中,Rick、Morty、Summer三人恢复了时间的流动。但因操作不当,时间线分裂,他们可能永远都不能回到原来的统一时间线…… E02:Mortynight Run -逃离碳基生命 ...
In the lab, Rick works on a number of sci-fi gadgets, some of which could be considered dangerous. But that’s not all Rick does that concerns Jerry. He also goes on adventures across the universe that often involve his children, Morty and Summer....
Season 2’s second episode, “Mortynight Run,” follows “A Rickle in Time,” a middling story with testicle monsters and fractured time. “Mortynight Run,” however, proved that Rick and Morty could still balance a compelling story with character development and a staggering number of great...
Season 2 | E1 | A Rickle In Time Rick, Morty, and Summer get into trouble when time is fractured by a feedback loop of uncertainty that split reality into more than one equally possible impossibilities. Meanwhile, Beth and Jerry go to extreme lengths to save a deer struck by their vehic...
Meeseeks and Destroy Rick Potion #9 Raising Gazorpazorp Rixty Minutes Something Ricked This Way Comes Season 2 List A Rickle in Time Mortynight Run Auto Erotic Assimilation Total Rickall Get Schwifty The Ricks Must Be Crazy Big Trouble In Little Sanchez Interdimensional Cable...
Powerful, emotional, and an overall brilliant season that cements Rick and Morty's position as one of the greatest shows on TV. 10/10. Favourite Episode(s): A Rickle In Time, Auto Erotic Assimilation, Total Rickall + The Wedding Squanchers. ...