Ricin:蓖麻毒素 B-related:B系列的 lectin:凝集素 上面都是网上查阅的,化学?生物?还是医学?实在不好意思,比较专业,我没有接触过
分离鉴定了2个含RicinB_Lectin_2结构域的糖基识别蛋白质袁分别命名为HbRBLLP-1和HbRBLLP-2遥这2个 蛋白质可能是橡胶粒子膜蛋白质或是与橡胶粒子有较强的相互作用的蛋白质遥对HbRBLLP-1及HbRBLLP-2进行 生物信息学分析袁结果表明它们的RicinB_Lectin_2结构域均仅有1个Q-x-W模体袁而非蓖麻毒素B链所具有 ...
The CBM13 family comprises carbohydrate-binding modules that occur mainly in enzymes and in several ricin-B lectins. The ricin-B lectin domain resembles the CBM13 module to a large extent. Historically, ricin-B lectins and CBM13 proteins were considered
Article: CNL, a ricin B-like lectin from mushroom Clitocybe nebularis, induces maturation and activation of dendritic cells via the toll-like recep
Purification, characterization and cloning of a ricin B-like lectin from mushroom Clitocybe nebularis with antiproliferative activity against human leukemi... 2009. Purification, characterization and cloning of a ricin B-like lectin from mushroom Clitocybe nebularis with antiprolifera- tive activity ...
In this study, the protein structure and target ligand of LdRBLk, the ricin-B-lectin of the Colorado potato beetle, were established for the first time, indicating that this protein may play important roles in the antifungal defense of this insect. It has been shown that in response to fung...