列治文公立教育局(Richmond School District)位于加拿大的BC省,距离温哥华机场很近,开车不到20分钟。温哥华地区历来是国际学生体验北美都市和留学深造的首选之地。 列治文公立教育局(Richmond School District)下属有11所中学,41所小学。该教育局具备优良师资和教学环境。在列治文地区有很多华裔移民,各学校都会能找到会讲中...
列治文公立教育局 Richmond School District 列治文概况 列治文是BC省的第四大城市,人口仅次于温哥华、素里和本拿比。其实加拿大的城市人口和面积都远远不如国内庞大,因此按照国内城市的规模,大家可以把大温哥华地区理解为一个城市,把列治文当作其中的一个区。 有些家长通过其他渠道的不正确信息误解列治文几乎都是华人,其实...
列治文公立教育局(Richmond School District)下属有11所中学,41所小学。该教育局具备优良师资和教学环境。所有教师都是经过专员训练,并持加拿大政府的教师执照。列治文学区提供完整的服务,接受8到12年级的国际学生申请进入中学就读,公立学校约有12500位小学生,和11000位中学生。列治文公立教育局拥有最新颖和最完善的资源,并...
列治文公立教育局(Richmond School District)下属有11所中学,41所小学。该教育局具备优良师资和教学环境。所有教师都是经过专员训练,并持加拿大政府的教师执照。列治文学区提供完整的服务,接受8到12年级的国际学生申请进入中学就读,公立学校约有12500位小学生,和11000位中学生。列治文公立教育局拥有最新颖和最完善的资源,并...
新學期 2021年秋季,本校將開設面授課,仍然在原來的兩個校址上課,當然仍受許多家長喜歡的線上常規班仍保留,不但如此。更因應家長的要求開設一系列的小班線上課,詳情請瀏覽本部網站http://www.RichmondCE.ca又或致電 604.668.6532 查詢,或電郵sleung@sd38.bc.ca...
School District 38 (Richmond) Continuing Education offers a series of Mandarin courses for Adults. Courses as bel0w: Courses schedule: Saturday sessions or Weekday night sessions Any inquiries: please call 604.668.6049 / 604.668.6532 Email: sleung@sd38.bc.ca ...
Yes, the Okanagan Skaha school district has laid in a stock of kitty litter. No, it’s not that the district has embraced diversity to the point of allowing students to use separate bathrooms complete with litter boxes, if they identify as a cat — as some have sugge...
A parent is suing a teacher in BC Supreme court over an incident at Jesse Wowk elementary. Rob Kruyt/Business in Vancouver Listen to this article 00:01:52 A parent is suing a teacher and the Richmond School District on behalf of his child, claiming a science experiment at Jesse Wow...
City of Richmond BC Chapel Opera Nights http://www.richmond.ca/culture/sites/chapel/chapel/operanights.htm Parks, Trails and Cycling. Recreation and Community Centres. Sport and Event Hosting. Arts, Culture and Heritage. Planning, Building and Development. Business and Local Economy. Join us on...
Learned about the tyrannical emperor Qin Shi Huang, who set out to destroy all books except practical ones, unified the empire with a network of roads, and built the Great Wall; he died in 210 BC while on a quest to find the legendary island of immortals and their secret drug of ...