The Richest People in the World in 2024 2024年全球首富 The Richest People in the World in 2024 2024年全球首富 This was originally posted on our Voronoi app. Download the app for free on iOS or Andro…
Bill Gates (68) of Microsoft and Larry Page of Google (51) complete the top eight roundup of most wealthy people in the world. In ninth and tenth place comes Steve Ballmer (68), the former CEO of Microsoft, and Sergey Brin (50), the co-founder of Google. ...
With so much of their wealth in publicly traded stocks, thenet worth of the richest fluctuatesalong with the market valuations of the companies they own. Below are the 10 wealthiest people on the planet, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. All figures are current as of March 3, 20...
With so much of their wealth in publicly traded stocks, thenet worth of the richest fluctuatesalong with the market valuations of the companies they own. Below are the 10 wealthiest people on the planet, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. All figures are current as of March 3, 20...
Latin America: richest people 2024, by wealth Mexico: richest people 2024, by net worth Brazil: richest people 2024, by net worth Chile: richest people 2024, by net worth Peru: richest people 2023, by wealth Number of billionaires in Europe 2015-2018 The richest self-made women billionaires...
Elon Musk, Bernard Arnault, Jeff Bezos - who has secured the top position in the list of top richest people in the world 2024? Read to learn.
The world’s richest countries in 2024 《经济学人》 Jul 4th 2024 将国家划分为富国和穷国可能很困难。GDP 等指标会受到人口数量的影响(人口越多通常意味着产出越多)。但仅仅根据人口数量进行调整是不够的。人均美元收入并不能反映各国之间的物价差异(例如,一个巨无霸汉堡包在某些地方比在其他地方贵,即使换算...
His company, Jio network has proved to be very profitable and had helped him to become one of the richest people in the world. Country:India Net Worth:$88.6B 9. Carlos Slim Helu & Family Mexican entrepreneur, philanthropist and investor, Carlos Slim has become one of the richest persons in...
The Richest People in the World in 2024: 🇫🇷 Bernard Arnault & family: $212.1B 🇺🇸 Elon Musk: $194.6B 🇺🇸 Jeff Bezos: $192.4B 🇺🇸 Mark Zuckerberg: $161.8B 🇺🇸 Larry Ellison: $144.0B 🇺🇸 Warren Buffett: ...
Top 10 Richest People in the World #10. Elon R. Musk (Tesla Motors, SpaceX) #9. Sergey Brin (Google) #8. Warren Buffett (Berkshire Hathaway) #7. Larry Page (Google) #6. Mukesh Ambani (Petrochemicals, Oil & Gas, Reliance)