Data on the popularity and origin of the last name Richardson in the United States based on the most recent Census data.
Richardsonis a patronymic name meaning "son of Richard." The given name Richard is Germanic in origin and means "powerful and brave," composed of the elementsric, meaning "power" andhard, meaning "hardy or brave." Example: Richard the Lion Hearted Richardson is the76th most popular surnamei...
Sample 1.1 Composed of Poaceae — poa annua, poa trivialis. Netherlands. Not of the same family as the following sample, which goes to show how the same common name does not always identify the same substance. Both Lawn Grass samples were cut by lawn mower, but 1.1 was harvested over a ...
last simple ray long, serrated posteriorly with 20–22 serrae, head length 22.5%–22.8% SL, pectoral-fin length 85.0%–86.9% HL, body depth at dorsal origin 19.0%–22.2% SL; pectoral i,17 rays; pelvic i,11 rays; anal iii,5½ rays, gill rakers on the first arch 3 + 19 = 22 ...
Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature) Create new pull request License Cobra is released under the Apache 2.0 license. See LICENSE.txt About A Commander for modern Go CLI interactions Resources Readme License Apache-2.0 license Activity Stars 0 stars Watchers 1 watching ...
The experience has been all the more gratifying because of the reception the play is getting, a production that had its origin in the imagination of Richardson herself. The Roundabout Theater production, co-starring Liam Neeson and Rip Torn, opened this month to glowing notices for the direction...
It very well could change. I’m not gonna give it away but the origin of the aliens may be different than people expect. OK. But not if you follow Art Bell, which suddenly I’ve been listening to lately and it’s a lot of fun. Some pretty crazy stuff but it’s not far out to...