Detailed investigation of factors relating to a minimum wage needs among a sample of 243 unskilled labourers employed in five civil engineering or construction companies in Richards Bay and Empangeni. The research was based on in-depth interviews , and on costing of commodities and services in the...
A new bulk liquid terminal, referred to as Berth 208, has been constructed in the Port of Richards Bay. The berth is located next to a natural heritage site consisting of an ecologically sensitive mangrove area, referred to as the eChwebeni Site of Conservation Significance. The environmental...
Other companies could also take a stake in the venture to help finance the estimated $1bn construction costs. The new railway would certainly provide an outlet for coal from both countries but would provide Botswana with an alternative to South African ports and should also encourage trade ...
We left. But the airport was under construction, so everyone bound for the bus that would take us to our hotel had to walk in the broiling sun. The parking lot was under construction. It was a horribly long walk in the heat. On board the ship we discovered that Venice has an unusuall...
2003. The zooplankton community of the Mhlathuze (Richards Bay) estuary: tow decades after construction of the harbour. African Journal of Marine Science 25: 289-299.Jerling HL. 2003. The zooplankton community of the Mhlathuze (Richard Bay) estuary: two decades after construction of the ...