which is presented as a celebration and remembrance of Milton Fine, who passed away in 2019, foregrounds the importance and impact of the gift. Work byRichard Artschwager,Georg Baselitz,Mark Grotjahn,Donald Judd,Brice Marden,David Reed,Ed Ruscha,Richard Serra,Jeff Wall, andChristopher Woolis incl...
Bush regarding; Abu Ghraib, Gitmo, Katrina, the US Attorney firings, illegal wire tapping, lying about WMDs, cooking the books on Iraq, Walter Reed scandals, under-deployment of poorly armed troops, and a plethora of other indiscretions is laughable to any sane person. As in 1933, when ...
The incident involving theImus in the Morningprogram and the eventual termination of Don Imus’s career started, in his mind, innocently. There was no big controversy. There was no huge issue. It wasn’t the war, or the Bush administration, or Hillary, or Walter Reed Hospital, or Speaker...