In 1972, the US president Richard Nixon and his wife, Pat. made a historic visit to China. On her second day in the country, Pat went to the Beijing Zoo to see pandas. At a dinner before they left China, Premier Zhou Enlai told Pat that Chin a would present the US with two pandas...
Now that, my friends, is not Nixon speaking, but that's an independent audit which was requested, because I want the American people to know all the facts, and I am not afraid of having independent people go in and check the facts, and th...
Nixon’s Museum is located in the town of Yorba Linda, not far from Whittier, the home of this fabled bowling alley/shrine. At the time I had no idea what I was getting into, but—for some inexplicable reason—decided to do a websearch for bowling alleys in Whittier. And in so ...
I'm sure that you have read the charge, and you've heard it, that I, Senator Nixon, took $18,000 from a group of my supporters. Now, was that wrong? And let me say that it was wrong. I am saying it, incidentally, that it was wrong, just not illegal, because it isn't a ...
Hersh got a tip thatNixon’s wife, Pat, had visited the emergency room alleging that the former president had hit her. In his memoir, Hersh admits “he made a mistake by not reporting this at the time,”according to aNew York Timesarticleabout the book. Nixon’s family has not yet res...
Now that, my friends, is not Nixon speaking, but that's an independent audit which was requested, because I want the American people to know all the facts, and I am not afraid of having independent people go in and check the facts, and that is exactly what they did. But then I real...
Self - Correspondent (segments "Solzhenitsyn" & "Richard Nixon") 60 Minutes(1968) Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Self - Russian Author (segment "Solzhenitsyn") Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theatre(1963) Natalia Solzhenitsyn Self - Wife (segment "Solzhenitsyn") ...
Ford becomes the new president, Nixon and his wife return to their home in San Clemente, California September 8, 1974 Ford pardons Nixon for "all offenses against the United States" which Nixon "has committed or may have committed or taken part in" during his presidency. 1980 The Nixons ...
And the No. 1 Most Peculiar Place name: Brittle Ordinary, N.C. The Bed and Estrogen Experience June 18, 2012 Uncategorized Leave a comment There is no question but that women and men want different things out of life. If you need proof, just spend a night with your wife at any bed-...
“Palmer Raids” and deportations, the imprisonment of Japanese-Americans during World War II, the “lists” that Sen. Joseph McCarthy threatened to make public in the 1950s, and the “Southern Strategy” of Richard Nixon in the 1970s. All play on a fear that is more imaginary than real...