《Coming Home》便是当时他在病床上写下的,整个歌词描述了自己身负重伤时的心境。买了心爱的东西一定要向全世界宣布,无论明星还是路人看来都不能免俗。当然小哥哥潘玮柏晒的可是堪比豪宅价格的Richard Mille Tourbillon Skull腕表。和偶像张学友合影时也要戴爱表 综艺《我去上学啦》里的潘玮柏 而这块表的上手率也...
RM52 “Tourbillon Skull” 是极罕有难求的珍品。腕表以 “全新未开封” 状态推出拍卖,是六枚亚洲限量版腕表其中一枚。佩戴舒适 Richard Mille,18k白金及陶瓷长方形镂空腕表,配陀飞轮、动力储存及功能选择, “Tourbillon Extra Flat” ,型号RM017,约2017年制造。2020年7月13日于佳士得香港以3,000,000港元成交...
另外史特龙在拍摄《浴血任务3》时所佩戴的RM032-TI也是这次的拍品之一,它的预估价是史特龙这次要拍卖四款RICHARD MILLE中相对较「亲切的」,但仍有6万~12万美金的预估身价,至于其他两款分别是预估价35万~70万美金的RM052-01 Tourbillon Skull TZP Nano-Ceramic和预估价30万~60万美金的RM059 -01 Yohan ...
Richard Mille Tourbillon Watches This is where it all started with the RM 001. For a brand to launch a tourbillon – a highly complicated gravity-controlled addition to the escapement – from the get-go would be unusual today. Back in 2001, it was unheard of. Importantly, the RM 001 wasn...
Richard Mille RM 005 Silver Case Yellow Border Silver Rome Numeral Marker and Black Leather Strap $298.00$183.00 Add to Cart -22% Richard Mille RM 51-01 Tourbillon Tiger and Dragon Rose Gold Case with Seleton Dial and Black Rubber Strap Diamonds Bezel ...
When Mille designed an RM 027 Tourbillon for Rafael Nadal this yr, it had been examined by means of the tennis player. Richard Mille: The automotive designs of right this second are definitely pushed by efficiency; everyone needs to optimise the aerodynamics, engine power, downforce, and many ...
【SIHH2019】A.LANGE & SÖHNE 朗格 Datograph Perpetual Tourbillon 万年历陀飞轮计时码表 1万 77 5:18 App 【SIHH2019】A.Lange & Söhne 朗格 Zeitwerk Date 时分日期跳字表 2953 16 2:49 App 【女性至上】朗格 Little Lange 1 8030 26 3:18 App 【青铜精雕骷髅】 URWERK UR-T8 Skull 6071 15...
买了心爱的东西一定要向全世界宣布,无论明星还是路人看来都不能免俗。当然小哥哥潘玮柏晒的可是堪比豪宅价格的Richard Mille Tourbillon Skull腕表。 和偶像张学友合影时也要戴爱表 综艺《我去上学啦》里的潘玮柏 而这块表的上手率也是最高的,我们可以看到很多场合里,开心、搞笑、耍酷时他都戴了这枚腕表。连上综艺...
此次拍卖呈献多枚独立制表品牌的珍贵罕见的钟表,包括MB&F、F.P. Journe、高珀富斯、De Bethune及Richard Mille等,其中Richard Mille的白陶瓷及18k红金酒桶形镂空陀飞轮腕表“Tourbillon Skull 亚洲限量版”,编号01/06,更以528.5万港元成交。 表现亮眼的还有女士腕表格拉夫“Yellow Diamond Trilogy”,以及劳力士的不锈钢链...
潘玮柏早前在《中国有嘻哈》之上,大骚其Richard Mille。在他的《Coming Home》一曲之中,更将Richard Mille放到歌词之中,而他手上戴的,正是Richard Mille RM 52-01 Tourbillon Skull Nano-Ceramic,售价为大约560万港元! RM 52-01 Tourbillon Skull Nano-Ceramic卖价达五百多万,贵,是有原因的,首先,只是限量30枚...