Richard II, king of England from 1377 to 1399, when he was deposed by his cousin Henry Bolingbroke (Henry IV).
The article focuses on manhood and politics in the reign of Richard II in England during the Middle Ages. King Edward II is habitually associated with an elaborate delight in clothing and courtly culture which is sometimes contrasted with the martial masculinity of earlier kings. He has been ...
Richard II 1367-1400. King of England (1377-1399). He quelled the Peasants' Revolt in 1381 but spent the rest of his reign at odds with the nobles in Parliament. He was deposed (1399) and imprisoned by Henry of Bolingbroke, who succeeded him as Henry IV. ...
Richard II,《理查德二世》莎士比亚 RichardII BriefIntroductionAboutTheHistory RichardII(6January1367–February1400),wasKingofEnglandfrom1377untilhewasdeposedon30September1399.Richard,asonofEdward,theBlackPrince,wasbornduringthereignofhisgrandfather,EdwardIII.UponthedeathofRichard'sfatherpriortothedeathofEdwardIII,...
The article focuses on manhood and politics in the reign of Richard II in England during the Middle Ages. King Edward II is habitually associated with an elaborate delight in clothing and courtly culture which is sometimes contrasted with the martial masculinity of earlier kings. He has been ...
The meaning of RICHARD is name of 3 kings of England: I (Coeur de Lion ) 1157—1199 (reigned 1189—99); II 1367—1400 (reigned 1377—99); III 1452—1485 (reigned 1483—85).
Richard II noun 1367–1400,king of England 1377–99 (successor to and grandson of Edward III; son of Edward, Prince of Wales). (italics)a drama (1595?) by Shakespeare. Discover More Example Sentences Or because he supported the deposed King Richard II rather than the usurper Henry ...
名词(= Richard II) 理查二世(英格兰国王,1377年至1399年在位,黑太子爱德华之子 1367-1400)英英释义 King of England from 1377 to 1399; he suppressed the Peasant's Revolt in 1381 but his reign was marked by popular discontent and baronial opposition in British Parliament and he was forced to abdic...
Richard II 美 英 un.理查二世 网络理查德二世;里查二世;查理二世 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 理查二世(1367—1400,英王,在位期间1377—1399,为Plantagenet 王朝最后一主 ,后被黜)
Richard II is in many ways a very “public” play, and most of its scenes take place in crowded courts or halls of government. Previously surrounded by a retinue of attendants, the imprisoned Richard finds himself truly alone for the first time in the play, and he imagines himself as occu...