【理查德·哈里斯 Richard Harris】2002年的今天(10.25)病逝,享年72岁。他参与扮演了《哈利波特》系列电影前两部《哈利波特与魔法石》和《哈利波特与密室》中的阿不思·邓不利多校长,也是哈里斯的绝唱。参与作品还包括:《凯撒大帝》《My Kingdom》《角斗士》等。片段:LDumbledore - Sorcerer s Stone.mpg ...
哈利·波特与密室 2002 8.9 演员(饰 Albus Dumbledore) 角斗士 2000 8.6 演员(饰 马库斯·奥利利乌斯 Marcus Aurelius) 复仇者 第一季 1961 8.6 编剧 西伯利亚的理发师 1998 8.6 演员(饰 Makkreken) 不可饶恕 1992 8.5 演员 卡桑德拉大桥 1976 8.3 演员 钟楼怪人 1997 8.2 演员 野鹅敢死队 1978 8.1 演员 ...
Arthur: King of the Britons2002演员 新基督山伯爵2002 7.3 演员(饰 Abbé Faria) 穆罕默德·阿里记录片2001演员 - 自己 哈利·波特与魔法石2001 9.2 演员(饰 邓布利多 Albus Dumbledore) 我的王国2001演员 贝蒂2000演员 Hellraisers2000演员 角斗士2000
“He was a man of great intensity, a bit like a hurricane – in both his personal and professional life,” Karel Och, the artistic director of KVIFF, described the main character of The Ghost of Richard Harris. The documentary, which was warmly received at the Venice...
Richard Harris appears in a scene from the film Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (2001). Harris portrayed Albus Dumbledore, headmaster at Hogwarts and Harry's mentor. © © 2001 Warner Bros.About Us Contact Us Privacy Notice Terms of Use Diversity ©2025 Encyclopædia ...
Piccola curiosità: il personaggio di Richard Harris in Harry Potter si chiama Albus Dumbledore, in realtà. Non è il solo Harris a essere, purtroppo, passato a miglior vita tra gli attori di Harry Potter: tra le morti più illustri ci sono anche quella di Richard Griffiths, che interpreta...
Richard Harris was an actor, singer, theatrical producer, writer, poet & film director. His versatility was evident in his varied film roles whether he was playing a Roman Emperor, a wizard, a tenant-farmer or a mutineer. As Terry McMahon put it; "Since
Richard Harris played Albus Dumbledore in the first two Harry Potter films, but wasn’t in the best of health. One of the items Richard Harris kept in his personal archive was young Daniel Radcliffe's get well card when they were shooting one of the Harry Potter movies. Picture: The Richa...
Albus Dumbledore 2001 My Kingdom 5,9 Sandeman 2001 Il gladiatore 8,5 Marcus Aurelius 2000 Grizzly Falls 5,8 Old Harry 1999 To Walk with Lions 6,7 George Adamson 1999 Il barbiere di Siberia 7,7 McCracken (as Richard Kharris) 1998 Fra odio e amore 6,1 Old Man Jacobs 1997 The Hunchback...
Like Rickman, Richard Harris had a storied career before taking on his Harry Potter role, but his portrayal of the wise and kind Hogwarts headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, introduced him to a whole new generation of fans. "Richard Harris was such a special, warm person," Watso...