Check access to the full text by signing in through your organization. Access through your organization Section snippets Principe d'action du PRP L'action hémostatique des plaquettes est connue : elles s'agrègent et forment une surface procoagulante entraînant la formation de thrombine puis...
This post summarizes the hot keys built into RichEdit. A previouspostpublished a summary of all RichEdit hot keys as of 2013, but that post got truncated, it’s missing some hot keys that were added recently, and the hyperlinks need updating. Note that RichEdit clients, e.g., OneNote,...
What could be more useful than a national service where people can ask any health-related question by text message – or send in a picture of an ailment, e.g. a rash, by MMS – and receive a private, authoritative reply from an expert for free or a small fee. This could...
Care must be taken not to use a solid lipid that requires high 2t.e2m. EpsesreanttuiarlesOfiol rfrmomelPti.nagd;uontchuemrwLiesaev,evs olatilization may occur [15,26–28]. Within this con- text,Lceuapvueasçouf bPu. attdeurn, caunmatLu.rwaleprerocdoullcetctoefdvaetgUetnailvo...