npm install trust-rich-text # or yarn add trust-rich-text # or cnpm install trust-rich-text # or pnpm add trust-rich-text 使用 编辑器 // 引入样式import"trust-rich-text-editor/dist/style.css";// 需要适配配置pxToRemOrVwOptions,如果不需要适配可以不用传入constpxToRemOrVwOptions={type:"rem...
## Project setup ``` npm install ```. Latest version: 1.9.1, last published: 2 years ago. Start using otto-rich-text-editor in your project by running `npm i otto-rich-text-editor`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using otto-rich-text-edi
CKEditor 5 has an official React integration that you can use to add a rich text editor to your application. This guide will help you install it and configure to use the npm distribution of the CKEditor 5. CKEditor 5 Builder In our interactive Builder you can quickly get a taste of CK...
a vue rich text editor,based on quill. Latest version: 0.8.1-beta.0, last published: 5 years ago. Start using vue-rich-editor in your project by running `npm i vue-rich-editor`. There are no other projects in the npm registry using vue-rich-editor.
Richtext editor for react native Installation Install using npm: npm i react-native-cn-richtext-editor Install using yarn: yarn add react-native-cn-richtext-editor Usage Here is a simple overview of our components usage. importReact,{Component}from'react';import{View,StyleSheet,Keyboard,Touchable...
Built on top of tiptap editor(headless editor) and prosemirror. Easy to use, develop and maintain. A prompt engine that helps to integrate with any AI API, and enhance the writing experience. Dark/Light theme is supported and customizable. Getting started Install //npm npm install @nextlint...
You can download CKEditor 5 builds from the CDN, npm or as zip packages. Read more in the Installation guides. Important Due to an invalid version of the ckeditor5-collaboration dependency in some v37.0.0 packages, a follow-up v37.0.1 has been released. The v37.1.0 has also been rele...
Quill Rich Text Editor Quill is a free,open sourceWYSIWYG editor built for the modern web. With itsmodular architectureand expressiveAPI, it is completely customizable to fit any need. Getting Started is Easy // // constquill =newQuill('#editor', { modules: { toolbar:'#toolbar' }, ...
UEditor是由百度web前端研发部开发所见即所得富文本web编辑器,具有轻量,可定制,注重用户体验等特点,开源基于MIT协议,允许自由使用和修改代码。 1 入门部署和体验 1.1 下载编辑器 git clone 仓库 npm install 安装依赖(如果没有安装 grunt , 请先在全局安装 grunt) 在终端执行 grunt default 1.2 创建demo文件 解压...
使用npm 或者 yarn 安装引擎包 $ npm install @aomao/engine# or$ yarn add @aomao/engine 使用 我们按照惯例先输出一个Hello word! import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'; import Engine, { EngineInterface } from '@aomao/engine'; ...