JavaScriptjs rich text editor EXPLORE OTHER CONTROLS VIEW DEMOS BUY NOW Overview The JavaScript Rich Text Editor is a feature-rich WYSIWYG HTML editor and WYSIWYG Markdown editor. The Rich Text Editor is widely used to create blogs, forum posts, notes sections, support tickets (incidents), comme...
Fully customizable JavaScript rich text editor with support for HTML and markdown as input and output formats Download Buy View more demos RichText for: Vue.js React Angular Product Features Basic text editing and formatting operations Classic and document modes Fullscreen mode Data parsing ...
RichTextEditor provides a rich plug-in development environment, allowing you to customize its user interface and functionality to fit your needs. Cleanest html code Rich Text Editor is built from the ground up to be a true XHTML editor in its own right. ...
Fully customizable JavaScript rich text editor with support for HTML and markdown as input and output formats Download Buy View more demos RichText for: Vue.js React Angular Product Features Basic text editing and formatting operations Classic and document modes Fullscreen mode Data parsing ...
当中html 文件 -editor.html载入了两个 css 文件 -normalize.css&style.css。一个 js 文件 -rich_editor.js。 body中插入了一个contentEditable="true"的div。 <!DOCTYPEhtml> rich_editor.js中定义了非常多排版功能
placeholder: '开始输入...', isReadOnly: false, nodes: [{ name: 'div', attrs: { class: 'div_class', style: 'line-height: 60px; color: red;' }, children: [{ type: 'text', text: 'RichText组件' }] }] }, onLoad() { that = this; }, onEditorReady() { // 输入~编辑框 ...
Why should I use a rich text editor in React JS application? Enhance productivity:Rich text editor comes with an intuitive interface. It allows you to easily find all the necessary tools. As a result, you can quickly edit the content. It can help boost your productivity. ...
Where you've incorporated your RichEditor component, import the file and utilize it. import FontFamilyStylesheet from 'stylesheet.js'; const fontFamily = 'Your_Font_Family'; const initialCSSText = { initialCSSText: `${FontFamilyStylesheet}`, contentCSSText: `font-family: ${fontFamily}` } ...
所以最后只能采用,js调用原生,原生再次调用js,处理这个问题 代码如下; zss_editor.deleteImg = function(type,obj) { if(type == 0){ object = obj; deleteNowImg();//调用原生方法 }else { $(object).remove(); } } //在该方法里定义了如下方法,原生调用js ...
所以最后只能采用,js调用原生,原生再次调用js,处理这个问题 代码如下; zss_editor.deleteImg = function(type,obj) { if(type == 0){ object = obj; deleteNowImg();//调用原生方法 }else { $(object).remove(); } } 1. 2. 3. 4.