GAP通用汇编程序(=General Assembly Program) 将程序设计师用符号代码(非计算机的绝对代码)写的程序翻译成目标程序的一种程序。一条符号代码指令通常被译成一条计算机指令,即简单的一 Gap跳空 gapn. 1. 缺口,裂口,开口,豁口 2. 间隔,间隙,间断 3. 差距,分歧,隔阂 4. 不足,缺陷 5. 缺口,空白,漏洞 6. 峡...
Rich-poor gap本文有两人在对话,Jessica (J) 和 Ken (K). 他们在讨论贫富分化问题.J:Hi, Ken. Did you guys receive an assignment on the gap between the rich and the poor in the world/K:Yeah, so you guys have got it too. I think the growing gap is really scary!J: Our teacher said...
网络释义 1. 贫富差距 和两会有关的英文单词_百度知道 ... urbanization 城市化rich-poor gap贫富差距on-the-job training 在岗培训 ...|基于34个网页
贫富差距词汇richpoorgap 贫富差距rich-poorgap 更多英语行业-专业词汇-请点击这里获得 不断扩大的贫富差距 wideningrich-poorgap 补充词汇: --- gap缺口,裂口,间隙,缝隙,差距,隔阂 agapinaconversation 谈话的间断 communicationsgap 思想隔阂,感情隔阂 credibilitygap 信用差距(指政府领导人的言行不一) thegapbetweenim...
贫富差距rich-poor gap 不断扩大的贫富差距 widening rich-poor gap 补充词汇: --- gap 缺口, 裂口, 间隙, 缝隙, 差距, 隔阂 a gap in a conversation 谈话的间断 communications gap 思想隔阂, 感情隔阂 credibility gap 信用差距(指政府领导人的言行不一) the gap between imports...
贫富差距rich-poor gap 不断扩大的贫富差距 widening rich-poor gap 补充词汇: --- gap 缺口, 裂口, 间隙, 缝隙, 差距, 隔阂 a gap in a conversation 谈话的间断 communications gap 思想隔阂, 感情隔阂 credibility gap 信用差距(指政府领导人的言行不一) the gap between imports...
A: WHAT IS YOUR FUTURE PLAN, JUDY? b: i want to concentrate on the research of rich-poor gap and then i might come up with certain pulicies to solve this problem. a: hey, you know what, you can never try to solve this problem easily. when you want to change, you go...
篇1:贫富差距(Gap between the Rich and the Poor) 中国日益严重的贫富差距问题与解决方案 一、中国贫富差距现状 当前,我国人均GDP已突破4000美元,但收入分配领域的矛盾却比较突出,基尼系数居高不下,已超过国际公认的0.4的警戒线。许多发展中国家在步入中等收入国家行列之后,由于贫富差距过大,出现两极分化,造成经济增...
Byline: KATE FOSTERTHE gap between rich and poor is growing, a report revealed yesterday.Despite Labour pouring millions into health and the welfare state since it came to power, poverty and ill-health are increasing.While the affluent middle classes are earning more and living healthier ...
如下:有区别,the poor,the rich表示一类人,即穷人,富人。定冠词与某些形容词连用,使形容词名词化, the +形容词,表示某一类人,谓语动词用复数。前面那句是贫富差距,后面那句是富人和穷人之间的差距。Rich,英语单词,形容词、名词,作形容词时意为“富有的;肥沃的;昂贵的,油腻的,含有很多...