《富哥哥,穷弟弟》/ Rich Brother, Poor Brother (2016) 看出身相同的兄弟俩,如何走上不同的人生路——英国纪录片《富哥哥,穷弟弟》记录了两兄弟8天的思维差异过程, 揭示了从小被管教和被放养的两个孩子截然不...
不知道rich是否可以用来形容精神或其他方面的富足,如果可以,那相对于中文译名《富哥哥,穷弟弟》,英文原名《Rich Brother, Poor Brother》就更值得思考了,影片中从未说过哥哥和弟弟谁更rich。论物质财富,毫无疑问是哥哥,但如果是精神生活,或许rich brother就变成了弟弟。
哔哩哔哩上有个用户(圆滚滚的短腿狐狸网页链接)总结的很好:【看完之后,感叹兄弟之情的同时,也唏嘘两者人生轨迹的巨大差异,究竟是由何造成的。粗略总结几点,希望能和观众朋友共同学习进步: 1.与其夸夸其谈不如脚踏实地,弟弟一直在说很多 深刻的感想,政府的阴谋,社会的不公,甚至天体的运行,表面看似博学多识,但很多...
1、What’s the main idea and the message or value of the documentary that the director is going to convey? Two brothers, Ivan and David, born in the same family, also could be totally different. What causes you to be rich or poor, mindset, environment or attitude? 2、Find three points...
《富哥哥穷弟弟》 「Rich brother,poor brother」纪录片推荐 态度,看法,现实,儒雅。 发布于 2022-10-21 16:04 3 人喜欢 分享 收藏举报 登录知乎,您可以享受以下权益: 更懂你的优质内容 更专业的大咖答主 更深度的互动交流 更高效的创作环境 ...
Jim Steinman died last week after many years of poor health. His personal life remained a mystery to the end. I have never heard him romantically linked to anyone, and the only survivor the media have been able to identify is a brother named Bill. I’ve read that his lifestyle followed...
NO HOLDS BARRED; Housemates near Breaking Point as Big Brother Gets Tough with Rich/poor Divide
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Once there were two brothers. Nolbu, the older one, was rich and greedy, Hyungbu, the younger brother, was poor and generous. One day when Hyungbu's seven children were hungry, he went to ask his brother for rice to feed them. But when his sister-in-law