Rice Type Rice to Water Ratio (by volume) White Long Grain 1:2 White Medium Grain 1:1.5 White Short Grain 1:1.25 Jasmine 1:1.75 Black Japonica 1:2 Brown Long Grain 1:1.75 Brown Medium/Short Grain 1:2 Texmati 1:1.75 Wild 1:2 Converted (Parboiled) 1:2.25 Basmati 1:1.5 Sushi (Calro...
Raza MA, Feng LY, van der Werf W, Iqbal N, Khan I, Hassan MJ, Ansar M, Chen YK, Xi ZJ, Shi JY, Ahmed M, Yang F, Yang WY (2019) Optimum leaf defoliation: A new agronomic approach for increasing nutrient uptake and land equivalent ratio of maize soybean relay intercropping system....
grain quality similar to itsO. sativassp.indicaparent RD23, which has a high grain length/width ratio of 3.57, whereas PR23, PR24 and PR25 have grain quality traits similar to the typicalO. sativassp.japonicacultivar Zhonghua 11, including a lower grain length/width ratio of 2.13. These g...
Layer cake formulas typically contain a high level of sugar, which markedly increases the gelatinization temperature of the starch. In a batter, the ratio of sugar to water should be such thatstarch gelatinizationand granule swelling can occur and set the structure during baking when the leavening...
water levels and transplanting. At present, it is still difficult to establish when this happened, although its presence in the Han period is generally agreed, and the high sensitive: fixed phytolith ratio from Layer 3 would support its presence at Dayingzhuang before the site was abandoned ...
(μg k g−1 soil d −1); F is the N 2O fluxes (μg k g−1 soil d −1); ti is the Physicochemical analysis of biochar samples. The pH of the biochars was determined using a pH- meter (ST2100, OHAUS, America) and the solid to water ratio was ...
Principal component analysis (PCA) was carried out using all observations of the measured soil properties and the weight of each TDS indicator was calculated by communalities, which was equal to the ratio of its communality divided by the sum of other communalities of all TDS indicators (Liu et...
Ninety-six hours later, the aerial parts of the plants were excised, washed twice with ultrapure water, and subsequently vacuum dried overnight. The dried samples were digested using nitric and hydrochloric acids at a 4:1 ratio, boiled at 200 °C for 2 h, and subsequently filtered after 1...
Low-temperature germination (LTG) is an important agronomic trait for rice (Oryza sativa). Japonica rice generally has greater capacity for germination at low temperatures than the indica subpopulation. However, the genetic basis and molecular mechanisms
(III) speciation64after extraction of air-dried soil at a 1:40 w/v ratio for 1 h at room temperature. To amend the paddy soil with arsenic, wet field soil was mixed with autoclaved double-distilled water containing 80% arsenite (NaAsO2, analytical grade) and 20% arsenate (Na2HAsO4...