Rice University Wiess School of Natural Sciences MS-102 P.O. Box 1892, 77005, Houston Houston 6100 Main St. E100 George R. Brown Hall, 77005-1827, Houston 程式 太空研究硕士 应用化学科学硕士 环境分析硕士 能源地球科学硕士 能源转型与可持续性硕士(METS) 机构还提供: 理学硕士 (1) HEALTH...
莱斯大学 Rice University 莱斯大学(简称Rice)创建于1891年,位于美国南方宁静的德克萨斯州休斯敦市郊,提供 50 多个本科专业,涵盖七个研究部门,包括建筑、工程、商业、人文、音乐、自然科学和社会科学等。 School of Architecture(建筑学院) Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Business(商学院) Susanne M. GlasscockSch...
Is Rice University the best science school for you? Find out at US News. See if Rice University is ranked and get info on programs, admission, tuition, and more.
自然科学学院 Wiess School of Natural Sciences 社会科学学院 School of Social Sciences(运动管理在这个学院) 根据在校生的反馈,校内转专业还是相对容易的,只要不是建筑和音乐这样的特殊专业(建筑要读五年,音乐专业申请需要作品集)。其他专业转入工程也是有的。具体专业列表参见官网:http://futureowls.rice.edu/futureo...
莱斯大学(Rice University,简称:Rice)由Texas州的巨富威廉·马歇尔·莱斯(W. M. Rice)在1891年创建于美国第四大城市休斯敦市,是一所典型的精英学府,被称为美国南方最高学府,是一所世界著名的顶尖私立研究型大学,“ 新常春藤 ”名校之一,同样享有“南方哈佛” 等盛誉。 莱斯大学是一所全美顶尖的研究型高校,多年来...
The positions in the table below reflect the Rice University's position overall, domestically, within their sector, and in various subject areas based on their Share. Each position links to the corresponding table where Rice University is listed. Position by research output Share Global U...
Rice University is a private institution that was founded in 1912. It has a total undergraduate enrollment of 4,574 (fall 2023), its setting is urban, and the campus size is 300 acres. It utilizes a semester-based academic calendar. Rice University's ranking in the 2025 edition of Best ...
The university has a tradition of elaborate practical jokes, the most famous being in 1988 when three engineers, three scientists and an English major developed a successful plan to rotate the university’s 2,000 pound statue of William Marsh Rice by 180 degrees. ...
Rank #18. Rice University 莱斯大学(版本二) 莱斯大学地处于休斯顿的博物馆大街中心。作为全国的第四大城市,休斯顿的城市扩张,拥 挤的交通,以及空气污染这些因素在一开始可能会让人吓一跳,不过在大城市里生活,自然 也会有许多好处。许多学生都说莱斯大学为他们提供了十分丰富的校园生活,因此根本无需 ...
Rice University 莱斯大学 Set in the heart of Houston,Rice University is a comprehensive research institution thatcultivates diversity in an intellectual environment. At Rice, we aspire toproduce the next generation of leaders and advance the thinking...