莱斯大学生物工程系(Department of Bioengineering)开设有2种研究生学位项目,分别包括: •生物工程硕士项目(Master of Bioengineering):为期1年,面向已经拥有工程学或理学专业本科背景的学生开设。申请者需满足一定前置课程要求——系统生理学、细胞生物学、统计学。如未满足要求,需在研究生入学前修读以上相关课程。 ...
一个普通大学里很可能某一个专业上有全球一定顶尖的教授,譬如,弗吉尼亚的一所院校Virginia Commonwealth University绝大部分中国人大概会全部无听说过,但化学类专业却有一位诺奖的得主;再如麻省大学(重视不是麻省理工)Amherst分校和Akron大学的排名都在百名以外,但那里的有机好成绩子材料科学专业在全球的排名都...
Advances in self-generating drug delivery systems, brain-to-brain communication, and injury mitigation technologies are just some of the newest research coming down the pipeline fromRice University. Several research projects funded by the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency's (DARPA) N3 progra...
Group homepage. Professor Halas is also the founder and Director of the Rice University Laboratory ...
aDrug Delivery System in the fight against people in the course of the disease in a variety of treatments for different medication form, the drug delivery system in the field, the size of rice grains in the 1- 1000 nm range, drug is decentralized, wrapped in absorbent polymer particles. 药...
The Biomaterials Lab team at Rice, in collaboration with researchers at the University of Maryland, discovered that the key to success is to mimic the tissue that turns gradually from cartilage (chondral tissue) at the surface to bone (osteo) underneath. They did this by printing a scaffold ...
such as: dye sensitized solar cells (DSSC), nano-electro-mechanical sensors based on suspended nanowires and nanotubes, multi-scale roughness coatings for anti-biofouling applications, nano-porous carriers for drug delivery, and protein based nanocomposites for tissue engineering scaffolds and bio-...
Drug release from poly(acrylic acid) grafted poly(vinylidene fluoride) membrane bags in the gastrointestinal tract in the rat and dog. Stomach-specific drug delivery systems would be of value in treating diseases of the upper gastrointestinal tract. The present study measured in vitro and ... T...
The absorption efficiency of the crop-absorption type agricultural chemical can be improved to reduce the loss of the chemical.NAKAO YASUNARI中尾 康也
Drug delivery, Bora rice starch, Release kinetics, Natural polymerPurpose: To identify the potential of Assam Bora rice in modulation of drug release from the formulated matrix devices and demonstrate its utility in pharmaceutical drug carrier systems. Methods: The hydrogel microbeads were prepared by...