Process of gene expression profiling analysis in ROAD.(a) A snap shot of the web interface for gene expression search in ROAD. Gene expression search can be initiated by entering one (or multiple) gene(s) or microarray element ID(s), such as RGAP ID, RAP ID, KOME ID, Affymetrixprobese...
Nobuta K, Venu RC, Lu C, Beló A, Vemaraju K, Kulkarni K, Wang W, Pillay M, Green PJ, Wang GL, Meyers BC: An expression atlas of rice mRNAs and small RNAs. Nat Biotechnol 2007, 25 : 473-477. PubMed Abstract Publisher Full Text...
Here, we present RED (Rice Expression Database;, an integrated database of rice gene expression profiles derived entirely from RNA-Seq data. RED features a comprehensive collection of 284 high-quality RNA-Seq experiments, integrates a large number of gene expression...
A 3D gene expression atlas of the floral meristem based on spatial reconstruction of single nucleus RNA sequencing data Article Open access 20 May 2022 Accession codes Accessions Gene Expression Omnibus GSE13161 References Yu, H., Xia, Y., Trifonov, V. & Gerstein, M. Design principles of...
2007). This gene was highly expressed in our root samples, but only weakly detected in the hair samples (Fig. 1c). We also monitored the expression of OsEXPA17, a marker gene for rice root hairs (Yu et al. 2011) and found that it was strongly amplified in the root hairs, but ...
A dynamic gene expression atlas covering the entire life cycle of rice Plant J., 61 (2010), pp. 752-766 Google Scholar Wang et al., 2012 S. Wang, K. Wu, Q. Yuan, X. Liu, Z. Liu, X. Lin, R. Zeng, H. Zhu, G. Dong, Q. Qian, et al. Control of grain size, shape and...
Cao P, Jung KH, Choi D, Hwang D, Ronald PC (2012) The Rice Oligonucleotide Array database: an atlas of rice gene expression. Rice 5:17 Chandran AKN, Jung KH (2014) Resources for systems biology in rice. J Plant Biol 57:80–92 Article CAS Google Scholar Chandran AKN, Bhatnagar N...
An atlas showing the effect of high temperature on levels of metabolites and gene expression in the central metabolic pathways is presented. 展开 关键词: Gene expression Grain filling High temperature Metabolome Rice Starch DOI: 10.1093/pcp/pcq034 被引量: 280 ...
Nonadditive gene expression in anther, ovary and flag leaf of F1hybrid The gene expression in F1could be divided into two types, the first was designated as additive expression that contributed by each allele from both parents, and another was nonadditive expression that deviates from the mid-pare...
Cao P, Jung KH, Choi D, Hwang D, Zhu J, Ronald PC (2012) The rice oligonucleotide array database: an atlas of rice gene expression. Rice 5:17 Article PubMed Google Scholar Carter SL, Brechbuhler CM, Griffin M, Bond AT (2004) Gene co-expression network topology provides a framework...