The diagram shows the relative orientation of the large and small subunits and other functional components involved in polypeptide chain synthesis. H, head of the small subunit; CP, central protuberance and L7/L12 stalk of the large subunit; EF-Tu, elongation factor required for binding aminoacyl...
aDiagram of the ORQAS pipeline.bUniformity (x-axis) and periodicity (y-axis) for all tested ORFs with RNA expression TPM >0.1 and ≥10 Ribo-seq reads assigned (yellow) from human glia (n = 28,427). Uniformity is the percentage of maximum entropy, and periodicity is measured in th...
a Venn diagram showing the intersection of unannotated microproteins identified by Rp3 and PRICE, Ribocode, and RibORF. b Intersection between Rp3 microproteins and microproteins from the three Ribo-seq methods that were confirmed by mass spectrometry. c Annotation of smORFs types for each tool ...
Numbers shown in the Venn diagram correspond to colored proteins from (B) and (C), among which 70 proteins were identified as common. (F) Table showing the 10 most significantly changing proteins for each pull-down from (B) and (C), ranked based on p value. (G) Violin plot ...
diagram of the number of aORFs detected with MS by the two experimental conditions, standard (left) and inhibited proteasome (right).DNumber of codons of aORFs detected with MS experiments (blue) and aORFs that were not detected (light blue).ENumber of Ribo-Seq datasets in which an aORF...
The contour level of the density corresponding to eIF2 in b is lowered to show entire structure of eIF2. Extended Data Fig. 4 Cryo-EM density of tRNA in the P site represents a tRNAi-specific structural feature. (a) Schematic diagram of tRNAi (left) and an elongator tRNAMet (right) ...
Autophagy promotes protein degradation, and therefore has been proposed to maintain amino acid pools to sustain protein synthesis during metabolic stress. To date, how autophagy influences the protein synthesis landscape in mammalian cells remains unclea
Morphometric parameters of seedlings.Diagram of seedling and root length in the two-day(A)and four-day long(B)experiments. Statistically significant differences in length (p < 0.05), compared to the control, are indicated with a ‘§’ symbol when compared with the 1 gexternal control,...
LRPPRC associates with mS31–m39 through a ring-like structure (α2–α18), together forming a corridor for the handoff of the mRNA from SLIRP. c, Contact sites between LRPPRC and mS31–mS39 (within 4-Å distance); view from the interface. Right, schematic diagram showing the topology ...
Fmrp, a known regulator of ribosome stalling, is upregulated in HD, but its depletion has no discernible effect on protein synthesis or ribosome stalling in HD cells. We found interactions of ribosomal proteins and translating ribosomes with mHtt. High-resolution global ribosome footprint profiling...