[Ribose-5-phosphate isomerase]化源网提供Ribose-5-phosphate isomeraseCAS号9023-83-0,Ribose-5-phosphate isomeraseMSDS及其说明、性质、英文名、生产厂家、作用/用途、分子量、密度、沸点、熔点、结构式等。CAS号查询Ribose-5-phosphate isomerase上化源网,专业又轻松
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建议收到该Ribose-5-phosphate isomerase A Antibody (Biotin)产品后,储存温度为-20°C。避免重复冻融 其他 Abbexa总部位于英国剑桥的剑桥科学园,是一家专业的全球抗体供应商和蛋白质供应商,致力于为生命科学、药物开发和生物技术领域的科学家和研究者提供最佳的客户体验和高质量的产品。产品涵盖一抗、二抗、蛋白质、...
Stern, A. L., Burgos, E., Salmon, L., and Cazzulo J. J. (2007) Ribose 5-phosphate isomerase type B from Trypanosoma cruzi: kinetic properties and site-directed mutagenesis reveal information about the reaction mechanism. Biochem. J. 401:279-285...
isomerase n. [生化]异构酶 ribose n. 核酸糖 phosphate n. 磷酸盐;磷酸矿物;磷肥 D ribose 【化】 D-核糖【医】 核糖 phosphate(fertilizer) 磷肥 acyldihydroxyacetone phosphate 磷酸脂肪酰二羟丙酮 sedoheptose 7 phosphate 7-磷酸景天庚(酮)糖 xylulose 5 phosphate 5-磷酸木酮糖 riboflavin 5...
上海西格生物科技有限公司生产的FOR Ribose-5-phosphate isomerase ELISA Kit,最新报价:1900元/T,实验流程:FORRibose-5-phosphateisomeraseELISAKit1.实验前标准品、试剂及样本的准备;2.加样(标准品及样本)100µL,3
ribose phosphate isomerase 网络 核糖磷酸异构酶
Recombinant Human Ribose 5-Phosphate Isomerase A 供应商 ProSpec 产品货号 ENZ-228 产品报价 ¥询价/10ug ¥1mg ¥2ug 产品说明书 点击查看 购买方式 在线支付宝及网银支付、支票、现金、电汇,或拨打全国免费服务电话4006800868与我们联系. 产品新闻
xylulose-5-phosphate epimerase should be virtually free from ribose-5-phosphate isomerase. A contamination of less than 1% of the latter enzyme does not interfere because under the conditions of the method it only reacts very slowly with ribose-5-phosphate. Suitable xylulose-5-phosphate epimerase ...
Ribose 5-Phosphate Isomerase A Human Recombinant ENZ-228由上海拜力生物科技有限公司供应,该产品简介:Ribose 5-Phosphate Isomerase A Human Recombinant