Smoking in the Blue Dome: Rib Crib Plots Downtown Tulsa RestaurantRib Crib will enter the Blue Dome District in 2012, marking the first regional restaurant chain to open a stand-alone downtown Tulsa unit in more than a decade.Davis, KirLee...
Tulsa-Based Rib Crib to Roll out Streamlined Restaurant Model Next YearRib Crib BBQ and Grill will roll out a streamlined restaurant model next year, targeting smaller communities with a platform more suited to franchising in today's budget-strained economy.Davis, KirLee...
The Rib Crib is coming back to Edmond.Kelley Chambers
Tulsa-Based Rib Crib Charts Cautious GrowthIs Rib Crib poised for a national breakout? His lips pursed as Bret Chandler contemplated the...By DavisKirLee