理查德·阿米蒂奇 Richard Armitage / 瑞斯·伊凡斯 Rhys Ifans / 勒兰德·奥... 8.2/1124人评价 无姓之人(2009)[ 演员 ] 导演: 雅克·范·多梅尔 Jaco Van Dormael 主演: 杰瑞德·莱托 Jared Leto / 萨拉·波莉 Sarah Polley / 黛安·克鲁格 Diane K... ...
Rhys Ifans. Artiste: The Amazing Spider-Man. Rhys Ifans est né le 22 juillet 1967 au Royaume-Uni. Il est acteur et producteur. Il est connu pour The Amazing Spider-Man (2012), Coup de foudre à Notting Hill (1999) et Anonymous (2011).
Rhys Ifans. Besetzung: The Amazing Spider-Man. Rhys Ifans wurde am 22 Juli 1967 in Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, Wales, UK geboren. Er ist Schauspieler und Produzent, bekannt für The Amazing Spider-Man (2012), Notting Hill (1999) und Anonymus (2011).
龙之家族 第一季 2022 8.7 演员(饰 Otto Hightower) 福尔摩斯:基本演绎法 第二季 2013 8.7 演员 海盗电台 2009 8.6 演员 哈利·波特与死亡圣器(上) 2010 8.6 演员(饰 Xenophilius Lovegood) 奈德 2023 8.5 演员(饰 John Bartlett) 驯鹿大竞赛 1999 8.5 演员 柏林情报站 第二季 2017 8.2 演员 无姓之人 ...
Andrew Garfield's new Spider-man will face off against Rhys Ifans, who has been cast as the villain in the Spider-man reboot that Columbia Pictures and Marvel Studios are mounting for release in 2012.
Ifans Trying Hard to Find a Part to Rival Spike; MOVIES: Three Rhys ReleasesByline: PATRICK FLETCHERWestern Mail (Cardiff, Wales)
Rhys Ifans. Interprete: Notting Hill. Rhys Ifans è nato il 22 luglio 1967. Luogo di nascita: Regno Unito. È conosciuto come attore e produttore. È celebre per aver partecipato a Notting Hill (1999), The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) e Anonymous (2011)
Controversial Actor on Home Ground; MOVIES: Rhys Ifans Accused of Making Militant Comments Just to Promote New ReleaseWestern Mail (Cardiff, Wales)
Rhys Ifans. Interprete: The Amazing Spider-Man. Rhys Ifans è nato il 22 luglio 1967. Luogo di nascita: Regno Unito. È conosciuto come attore e produttore. È celebre per aver partecipato a The Amazing Spider-Man (2012), Notting Hill (1999) e Anonym
A young woman finds herself at the center of an international conspiracy in a thriller filmed in a non-traditional method. Rick Damigella reports.01:55 - Source: CNN World Africa Americas Asia Australia China Europe India Middle East United Kingdom US Politics SCOTUS Congres...