Nabokov gives the reader four cantos of Pale Fire, 999 lines of rhyming couplets, plus an editor's foreword and scholarly annotations. 而纳博科夫在PaleFire里给读者四章共999行双行押韵的长诗,再加上编辑的前言和学术性的评注。 In a century that increasingly valued free verse, ...
参考: Rhyming couplets是一种英文诗.至少要4lines和每一个ending都要rhyme. 但是一定要用以下的格色: A A B B OR A B A B OR A B B A e.g.There goes the cat Where it saw the hat. And a black scary mouse Living in this...
The sonnet another kind of type is called “the Sha Shibiya body” (Shakespearean) or “the Elizabeth body”, is composed by three quatrains and two lines of antithetical couplets, each line of 10 syllables, the rhyme type is ABAB, CDCD, EFEF, GG. ...