and holds together all the lines forming a single thought” (V. V. Mayakovsky,Poln. sobr. soch., vol. 12, 1959, p. 235). An aesthetic evaluation of rhyme as perfect or imperfect, innovative or traditional, cannot be made outside the context of the entire poem and without taking into ...
The reason for that different is simple: Slant rhyming is the use of consonance or assonance at the ends of words. But assonance or consonance can exist anywhere in a word. So while the words "pallate" and "polite" contain a bunch of consonance (on the p, l, and t), they are ...
To stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year. He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound’s the sweep Of easy wind and downy flake. Milton's "When I Consider How My Light is Spe...