Pokemon LA Rhydon Weakness Rhydonis aGroundandRockType pokemon. This will cause Rhydon to takeMore DamagefromIce,Fighting,Ground,Steel,Water,GrassType Moves, andLess DamagefromRock,Normal,Flying,Fire,Electric,PoisonType moves. You can Click/Tap theType Iconsto view the best pokemon to use forRhyd...
Stage 1 Pokémon Evolves From:Rhyhorn HP120 Horn Drill 30 Take Down 120 This Pokémon also does 30 damage to itself. Weakness ×2 Resistance Retreat Cost
Stage 1 Pokémon Evolves From:Rhyhorn HP110 Rock Tumble 80 This attack’s damage isn’t affected by Resistance. Megahorn 120 Flip a coin. If tails, this attack does nothing. Illustrator:Sanosuke Sakuma