The Rht (reduced plant height) genes provided a basis for the "green revolution", which led to a substantial increase in wheat productivity. More than 20 Rht genes are now known in wheat, Rht-B1 and Rht-11 being among the most important ones. Analysis of a segregating F2 population and ...
◑彭州狮子山山林清洁行动 10月15日,“低碳周末 绿行成都”之山林清洁活动在清朗秋日如期举行,37位志愿者在彭州狮子山用实际行动践行低碳徒步、无痕山林。 前往狮子山的旅途中,领队星辉向参与者阐述RHT无痕徒步三原则,分别是: Reduce 减少一次性废弃包装...
问题描述:男友流了爱液在阴部,只插了5-6下,会不会怀孕,没有射进去。(女,17岁) 分析及建议: 意见详情:有不明白的再联系,希望你的关注和好评。 咨询时间: 2016-08-31 患者 男友流了*在阴部,只插了5-6下,会不会怀孕,没有射进去。(女,17岁) ...
我对优化门诊流程提出了一些建议。 新桥医院预约挂号主要有四种方式:网络预约、自助机预约、电话预约、窗口预约,四种预约方式都可预约当天后一周内门诊所有科别的号,例如本周一可预约本周二及下周一区间内的号源。 具体预约方式及预约须知请看下图: 工作日门诊下午是13:00上...
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Sequence comparison between - and the wild-type - revealed an A-to-T substitution at nucleotide position 181 in -, which introduced a stop codon into the DELLA domain- and - showed that the stop codon position in Rht-B1e was earlier than that of Rht-B1b by three amino acid residues, ...
In this study, the Rht-B1e allele was isolated using homology-based cloning. Sequence comparison between Rht-B1e and the wild-type Rht-B1a revealed an A-to-T substitution at nucleotide position 181 in Rht-B1e, which introduced a stop codon into the DELLA domain. Alignment of deduced ...
In this study, the Rht-B1e allele was isolated using homology-based cloning. Sequence comparison between Rht-B1e and the wild-type Rht-B1a revealed an A-to-T substitution at nucleotide position 181 in Rht-B1e, which introduced a stop codon into the DELLA domain. Alignment of deduced ...
McIntosh RA, Dubcovsky J., Rogers WJ et al. Catalogue of gene symbolsfor wheat // Komugi – Integrated Wheat Science Database. 2009. Microsatellite mapping of genesfor semi-dwarfism and branched spike in Triticum durum Desf. var.MG Divashuk, AV Vasil'ev, LA Bespalova, GI KarlovGenetika...