Rocco Hunt、Nazo、ZOA - RH Staff
Welcome to the Rawlinson & Hunter Information Portal. The latest information on network uptime issues will be posted here. If you are having issues with remote access, please contact the Helpdesk on0207 842 2007/dial 007 in Microsoft Teams. ...
A study found 1 in 7 NHS workers are seeking work outside the NHS; more than at the height of COVID.2 Our RHCU provided level 2 care during the pandemic and saw a 54% mortality rate in the first year. Excessive workload, emotional pressure and being financially undervalued has left ...
Jahangir (Jay) Naseem, Director of Squash, Level II US Squash Coach. My players develop a life-long love of squash and a healthy lifestyle by developing a sense of fair play along with ski... [+]Read Full Bio Hunt Richardson Hunt Richardson Hunt Richardson, MRHC Head Squash Professi...
75% of junior doctors and 56% of staff nurses were unsure or would not continue in their current role. These figures are incredibly concerning, considering that junior doctors and staff nurses make up one third of RHCU staff. Our results highlight the need for urgent intervention for RHCU ...
RH Freight Wants 30 New Managers on Staff by June; JOBSRH Freight, which has a branch in Solihull, is looking to recruit more than 30 freight account managers for its UK branch network.The Birmingham Post (England)
Supporting staff involved in traumatic or stressful adverse events
The negotiating body would be tasked on setting a new framework for pay and conditions for school support staff. Philip Ashmore has been named as independent chair of the negotiating body.Gaunt, CatherineNursery World
Morgan Stanley boosts India wealth staff as assets growBy Nishant Kumar/Reuters