皇家园艺学会花园优异奖,英文名RHS The Award of Garden Merit (AGM),又叫RHS花园功绩奖,由英国皇家园艺学会(RHS/RNRS)的常务委员会和联合委员会进行评判优秀品种颁发奖项,帮助园丁对植物做出明智的选择。每年在英国皇家威斯利花园会有专门的品种测试区域,由权威机构对某一属或种的新品种进行测试评价,评出最佳品...
GARDENINGBring some gardening royalty home with these beautiful clematis plants. Always popular with gardeners we have selected these special varieties.When it comes to picking the best, look out for those that have been given the prestigious RHS Award of Garden Merit - an award which ensures ...
in the UK then please read on. The plants we have for sale have either been grown by us or hand picked by us ensuring our plants are the best quality and value for money. Many of the plants we stock are recommended by the Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Garden Merit (RHS AGM...
摘要: Read the full-text online article and more details about "Planting a Stamp of Approval; as the RHS Launches a New Logo for Its Award of Garden Merit, Hannah Stephenson Finds out How Plants Receive This Horticultural Accolade" - Western Mail (Cardiff, Wales), March 12, 2011...
AWARDOFGARDENMERIT(H2) tothefollowing: Asaspraycultivarto ‘PatMachin’(9eW)AGM(H2)2005 SentbyandavailablefromHarold Walker,OakfieldNurseries,Huntington, Chester,CH36EA. Vigorous,bushy,plantto120cm.Free flowering,erect,compactspray.Flowers to9cm.Florets,long,broad, ...
RHS Garden Wisley, Woking, Surrey, GU23 6QB The RHS Environmental Bursary Subjects:Awarded for an application of outstanding horticultural merit that concentrates on environmental issues such as water-wise gardening, research into drought-resistant plants, sustainability and other climate change issues th...
•TomakerecommendationsfortheAwardofGardenMerit. •Toclarifynomenclature. •TocollectspecimensfortheRHSHerbarium. JudgingCriteria: TheWoodyPlantTrialsAssessmentPanelassessedthecultivarsthreetimesayear,for threeyearsonthefollowingcriteria; Shape/habit,foliage,flowers(quantityandquality)andhardiness. ...
皇家园艺学会花园优异奖,英文名RHS The Award of Garden Merit (AGM),又叫RHS花园功绩奖,由英国皇家园艺学会(RHS/RNRS)的常务委员会和联合委员会进行评判优秀品种颁发奖项,帮助园丁对植物做出明智的选择。 每年在英国皇家威斯利花园会有专门的品种测试区域,由权威机构对某一属或种的新品种进行测试评价,评出Zui佳品种...
Top of the crops ; GARDENS As the RHS launches a new logo for its Award of Garden Merit, HANNAH STEPHENSON finds out how plants receive this horticultural accoladeHANNAH STEPHENSON
Merit Plants with Real; as the RHS Launches a New Logo for Its Award of Garden Merit, Hannah Stephenson Finds out How Plants Receive This AccoladeByline: Hannah Stephenson * F YOU'RE a regular shopper at garden centres and nurseries, the...Liverpool Echo (Liverpool, England)...