Egg and shell weight, egg length and width, % hatchability, fertility, loss in egg contents during incubation and weight of newly hatched chicks were studied in 120 eggs (40 eggs each of Fayumi, Rhode Island Red (RIR) and Desi chicken). %hatchability on the basis of total eggs set ...
Lastly, females from this family usually lay a large amount of eggs in nests on the ground. Once hatched, the chicks are precocial and fend for themselves shortly after hatching. Rhode Island Red Chicken Size, Appearance & Behavior Rhode Island Reds have a longish, brick-shaped body, which ...
A total of 3000 eggs; 750 eggs from each breed namely Barred Plymouth Rock (BPR),White Leghorn (WLH), Rhode Island Red (RIR) and White Rock (WR) were collected in 3 batches following AI from individually caged hens and were hatched to compare hatching parameters among breeds. The ...
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of in ovo feeding using albumin on hatchability, hatching weight, embryo mortality, as well as on organ development of Rhode Island Red chicks. A total of 245 fertile eggs with viable embryos were randomly distributed in seven tr...
Production and physiological criteria in laying Rhode Island Red hens in relation to prenatal and postnatal environmental temperatures.animal physiologyThe laying performance and plasma prolactin levels of hens hatched from 6 batches, each of 240 eggs, incubated during 1973-1974 at 35.8 deg , 36.8 ...
For different breeds of cock; barred plymouth rock, white leghorn, rhode island red and white rock were compared. Fertility was highest in WLH (95.08%), intermediate in WR (92.57%) and lowest and similar in BPR (88.97%) and RIR (88.16%). Breed had little effect on fertile eggs (Pgt;...