Search Rhode Island public records, including state arrests, criminal & court records, public birth, death, marriage, and divorce records. Browse RI public records database now!
Are Rhode Island marriage records public? No. Marriage records are kept private for 100 years; then they become public records. What Rhode Island marriage records are available? The State of Rhode Island Department of Health has current marriage records, but the State Archives has marriage records...
For most people seeking to change their name after marriage, the first step isgetting a marriage license. That's because a marriage license preps you to have a legal wedding, and that makes the Rhode Island name change process a bit smoother than if you didn't have one. You'll need to...
Looking past the scope of the Rhode Island civil union statute, could same-sex couples, legally married in a state that recognizes same-sex marriage, move to Rhode Island and acquire property as Tenants by the Entirety? It appears they too would meet similar road blocks as would the couple ...
In addition to the application form, to receive a Rhode Island DMV duplicate license, you will need to show two types of supporting documentation. One must be an identity document that shows your legal name and date of birth and the other must be a document that verifies your signature. ...
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The court does not license or certify any lawyer as an expert or specialist in any field of practice. 16 May/June 2012 Rhode Island Bar Journal "avoided cost" by specific generating source (i.e., what the utility would pay to get energy from sim- ilar sources) and thereby account for ...
The court does not license or certify any lawyer as an expert or specialist in any field of practice. 10 September/October 2010 Rhode Island Bar Journal Reconciling Renewables Regulation in Rhode Island Elliot Taubman, Esq. Practices law on Block Island There is a public policy favoring renewable...
Mike is a city manager in Maryland, and an attorney by training and license. I am general counsel for a large housing non-profit in Massachusetts (previously Corporate Counsel at Rhode Island Housing and Mortgage Finance Corporation) where my legal practice focuses on managing transactions. The ...