President Rhode Island Bar Association We who have been given so much, who have the ability to announce greater justice to all we meet, must be open to gifted opportunities. 1 2Timothy 4:7. As I pen this message, we are in the midst of my favorite time of year, ice cream season. ...
Rhode Island Bar Association Staff & Responsibilities To contact staff members, dial the main number 401.421.5740 or use the individual's email address. Staff telephone extensions or direct lines and email addresses appear beneath their titles and names. Information concerning Bar-related programs and...
USPS (464-680) ISSN 1079-9230 Rhode Island Bar Journal is published bimonthly by the Rhode Island Bar Association, 115 Cedar Street, Providence, RI 02903. PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID AT PROVIDENCE, RI Subscription: $30 per year Postmaster Send Address Correction to Rhode Island Bar Journal, 115 ...
21 Continuing Legal Education 27 Have You Paid Your 2012-2013 Bar Dues Yet? 29 Defense Counsel of Rhode Island 2012-2013 Officers and Directors 31 Lawyers on the Move 33 SOLACE – Helping Bar Members in Times of Need 35 Your Free Casemaker Online Law Library is Even Better! 35 Please ...
RHODE ISLAND BAR ASSOCIATION LAWYER'S PLEDGE As a member of the Rhode Island Bar Association, I pledge to conduct myself in a manner that will reflect honor upon the legal profession. I will treat all participants in the legal process with civility. In every aspect of my practice, I will...
RHODE ISLAND BAR ASSOCIATION LAWYER'S PLEDGE As a member of the Rhode Island Bar Association, I pledge to conduct myself in a manner that will reflect honor upon the legal profession. I will treat all participants in the legal process with civility. In every aspect of my practice, I will...
Rhode Island Bar Journal Rhode Island Bar Association Volume 62. Number 6. May/June 2014 Pre-Bail Revocation Hearing Detention Federal Rules of Civil Procedure The War to End All Wars Refusal Cases: Sworn Report Required BOOK REVIEW: The Hanging and Redemption of John Gordon 32 Articles 7 Not...