问在哪种标准色卡上收录了PANTONE Rhodamine Red UP色号? 答在“PANTONE潘通色彩桥梁CU卡专色四色RGB/CMYK色卡 GP6102B” 收录了PANTONE Rhodamine Red UP的色号 ,页码为 77 PANTONE Rhodamine Red UP相邻颜色 PANTONE Process Yellow U PANTONE Purple UP ...
PANTONE Rhodamine Red U色号属于潘通(PANTONE)色卡U版,您可在色号查询工具中找到PANTONE Rhodamine Red U色号的颜色和色卡,包括PANTONE Rhodamine Red U对应的RGB值供用户参考。
筛选分类: 所有颜色 使用声明:请注意千通彩色库中显示的颜色及数值是由计算机模拟的颜色,不同设备上显示也有所区别,实际生产中请参阅最新出版的实物色卡确认! PANTONE Rhodamine Red CP PANTONE Rhodamine Red UP PANTONE Rhodamine Red C PANTONE Rhodamine Red U PANTONE Rhodamine Red XGC ...
493-52-7AR级 Red Methyl 甲基红 科研实验试剂指示剂 5/10/25/100g ¥39.00 查看详情 苏木精伊红染色 苏木素伊红染色液 PH0516 HE染色液 PHYGENE ¥66.00 查看详情 铬酸钾铬黑T指示剂硝酸银标准溶液EDTA氯离子检测酚酞甲基橙试剂 ¥42.00 查看详情 0.1%BTB溴百里香酚蓝指示剂溴麝香草酚蓝指示液溶液1g/L酸碱指示...
上海玉博生物科技有限公司 主要致力于“RHODAMINE RED(TM)-X, SUCC Invitrogen-R6160”的生产销售。多年的“RHODAMINE RED(TM)-X, SUCC Invitrogen-R6160”生产与销售的经验,与各行业新老用户建立了稳定的合作关系,我公司经营的产品名称深受广大用户信赖。欢迎来电咨询或
Rhodamine Red-X-AffiniPure Fab Fragment Goat Anti-Mouse IgM, μ Chain Specific,罗丹明RRX标记亲亲和纯化Fab单链片段化山羊抗小鼠IgM二抗,与u链特异性反应
Medium 199 colorless (withoutphenol red; #11043-023;Invitrogen). • PBS solution 1× (Invitrogen; #20012-019). • Penicillin/streptomycin (P/S; #15140-056;Gibco). • Potassium chloride(KCl; #1049361000;Merck). • Sodium chloride (NaCl; #1064041000;Merck). ...
1). The most widely used rhodamines in order of increasing excitation and emission wavelengths are tetramethylrhodamine, Lissamine rhodamine, and Texas Red (Fig. 3). Although the lower quantum yields of rhodamine conjugates make them significantly dimmer than comparable fluorescein conjugates (Table I)...
罗丹明6G /Rhodamine 6G/989-38-8具体规格,价格,库存请咨询公司销售客服,谢谢。 英文名称:Rhodamine 6G;Basic Red 1;Rhodamine 590;Rhodamine 6GX;6GDN;Rhodyle 4G;Brilliant pink 5G;Calcozine red 6G extra;C.I. 45160 其他名称:玫瑰红6G;罗丹明590;蕊香红6G;若丹明6G;黄光碱性蕊香红;碱性红1;9-[...
T. GovindarajuTaylor & FrancisMaterials TechnologyShivaprasad, M,Govindaraju, T.Rhodamine based bright red colourimetric and turn-on fluorescencechemosensor for selective detection of Cu2+. Materials Science and Technology . 2011M. Shivaprasad, T. Govindaraju, Rhodamine based bright red colour...