Thus, the work aimed to study the application of olive biomass waste to preparation of adsorbent material (biochar) to rhodamine B (RhB) dye removal. For the preparation of the biochar, activation/carbonization process was used, where for chemical activation, the ZnCl2 was used as activating ...
for rhodamine B dye Synthesis and testing of cellulose acetate nicotinate as adsorbent for rhodamine B dyeSynthesis and testing of cellulose acetate nicotinate as adsorbent for rhodamine B dyeadsorption capacity testsadsorption kineticscellulose acetate nicotinate synthesis...
Google Share on Facebook rhodamine (redirected fromRhodamine B) Medical Encyclopedia Related to Rhodamine B:methylene blue,Rhodamine 6G rho·da·mine (rō′də-mēn′) n. Any of several synthetic red to pink dyes having brilliant fluorescent qualities. ...
MG and RB adsorption by the M-AC were performed separately by batch technique and the effects of adsorbent amount, solution pH, and initial dye concentration on the adsorption were explored. Maximum removal efficiencies were found as 96.11% for MG and 98.54 % for RB, and the Langmuir isotherm...
The enhanced adsorption of dye molecules and enhanced radiation absorption by the nanocomposites became the basis for the excellent photocatalytic performance of the nanocomposites. It became easy for the dye molecules to transfer charge from solution to the nanocomposite surface due to the presence of ...
The physicochemical characteristics of these spent adsorbents were studied using XRD, UV-Vis and XPS spectroscopy, potentiometric titration and adsorption-desorption of nitrogen. It was established that the introduction of these cations into the clinoptilolite skeleton by ion exchange does not lead to ...
罗丹明b(RhodamineB) RoseredB RoseredB:alsoknownasLuoDanmingB,commonlyknownasflower pink,isabasicfluorescentdye.LuoDanmingB,whichwasfound inmice,causessubcutaneoussarcoma,whichissuspectedtobe acarcinogen. DefinitionofroseredB- LuoDanmingBisasyntheticdyewithfreshredpeach; ...
The total adsorption capacities at the global optimal conditions for 1:3, 1:1 and 3:1 Basic Yellow 2 – Rhodamine B dye mixtures were found to be 209.8, 218.5 and 216.2 mg/g respectively. The classical analytical ridge analysis approach led to optimal solutions, some of which were outside...
Before starting the illumination, the reaction mixture was stirred for 30 min in the dark to establish the adsorption-desorption equilibrium between the dye and the photocatalyst58,59. The photoreactor was maintained under magnetic stirring to promote a uniform suspension and the time range of ...
bMaximum of BJH pore diameter as determined from the adsorption branch. Table 2. Absorption (in dark) and photodegradation rate (under UV light) of RB dye by different catalysts within 30 min. SamplesTiSn12TiSn10TiSn8TiSn6TiSn4 Absorption (%) 47.0 60.4 51.4 51.9 54.5 Degradation rate...