101 dye molecule through spontaneous Raman spectrum,infrared spectrum,and density function theory calculation.This work systemically characterizes the spectral,molecular structural,and vibrational information of Rhodamine 101 dye molecule,and provides necessary information for the application of Rhodamine 101 dye...
Figure 2a) showing substantially higherfluorescence quantum yield(ΦF= 0.88) and better photostability than TMR (7). This general strategy was applied to many different rhodamines, resulting in a palette of dyes spanning a substantial section of the visible spectrum [21,22]. To further improve ...
To the carboxyl group formed by the opening of the lactone ring of RBL, a proton can be added, forming RBH+ that has nearly the same absorption spectrum as RB+−. Anions such as chloride, bromide and perchlorate form ion pairs in solution with the rhodamine cation; hence, the ion pair...
Single-Photon Hot Band Absorption Induced Anti-Stokes Luminescence of Rhodamine 101 in Mesostructured Thin Filmsanti-Stokesenergy up-coversionluminescencemesoporous materialsquantum efficiencythin filmsVavilov's law states that the fluorescence spectrum of organic dye solutions is independent of the wavelength...
24). Inspired by this result, we synthesized actin probes spanning the full visible spectrum: 4-505R-JAS (100), 4-TMR-JAS (101), 4-630CP-JAS (103), and 4-685SiR-JAS (104). Confocal imaging of living fibroblasts confirmed good staining with all these probes (Supplementary Fig. 25a)...
FT-IR spectrum of plant mediated CuO (black line), Bi2O3 (blue), CuO/Bi2O3 (olive) and plant (bamboo) extract (red) samples. Full size image The broad absorption peak observed around 3296 cm⁻¹ is attributed to the O–H stretching vibrations, indicating the presence of alcohol, ...
Figure 2a) showing substantially higherfluorescence quantum yield(ΦF= 0.88) and better photostability than TMR (7). This general strategy was applied to many different rhodamines, resulting in a palette of dyes spanning a substantial section of the visible spectrum [21,22]. To further improve ...
Because of high absorption coefficient and broad fluorescence in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum, rhodamine dyes are widely used as fluorescent probes also for optical measurements of pH [13]. Above properties make rhodamine B more attractive, hence used in a variety of ...
(Donor-Acceptor-π-conjugated compounds) on the ground state and excited state of 1,8- naphthalic anhydride and the influences of the D-l-A molecule modifying Rhodamine bottom ring on the ultraviolet and visible light absorbing spectrum and excited state of Rhodamine (D-π-A molecule) were ...
DepartmentofChemistry,NationalTsingHuaUniversity,101Kuang-FuRoadSec.2,Hsinchu300,Taiwan articleinfo Articlehistory: Received25April2011 Receivedinrevisedform 15September2011 Accepted3October2011 Availableonline8October2011 Keywords: Nitricoxide Fluorescentprobe ...