We the Brothers of the Rho Beta Beta Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity would like to extend to you this open invition to involve you in the process of growing and expanding our chapter. Our success depends on ambitious Omega Men to work with us in fullining the mandates of our fraterni...
No longer a single entity, members of the Fraternity have been instrumental in the establishment of the Phi Beta Sigma National Foundation, the Phi Beta Sigma Federal Credit Union and The National Sigma Beta Club Foundation. Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., founded in 1920 with the assistance of...
Page of Sigma Phi Rho Fraternity, Inc. Risk Management PlanEnacted January 2012 Page of The Mission of Sigma Phi Rho Fraternity, Inc. is to promote the fulfillment of Strong Character and Good Moral Judgment through student development by providing opportunities in higher academic achievement, ...
The peculiar interest in this book, of course, is to the members of the fraternity from the University of Michigan. Contained in its pages, however, is of much value in an historical way, especially as regards the development of the medical school at the University of Michigan. To one who...
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On the following list, check those fraternities which are competitive with Theta Tau, i.e., dual membership is not permitted by Theta Tau: [XX] Alpha Rho Chi [ ] Eta Kappa Nu [ ] Alpha Phi Omega [XX] Kappa Eta Kappa [XX] Alpha Chi Sigma [ ] Pi Tau Sigma [ ] Delta Sigma Phi ...