M. Kodeeswaran, V. G. Ramesh, N. Saravanan, and R. Udesh, "Percutaneous retrogasserian glycerol rhizotomy for trigeminal neuralgia: A simple, safe, cost-effective procedure," Neurology India, vol. 63, no. 6, pp. 889-894, 2015.
For patients who have RFR as their initial procedure, a larger number of procedures are required for relief compared to patients who initially underwent SRS. While there is a significant difference in the cost of the initial procedure, over time, with the cost of required subsequent interventions...
Several studies have demonstrated short and long term improvements in gait and other activities after rhizotomy but this surgery still remains a controversial procedure and patient outcome indicators measures are not uniform. Aims To describe our assessment and outcome evaluation protocol and to verify ...
This study retrospectively evaluated the safety and efficacy of selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) in participants who underwent a rigorous selection process, uniform surgical procedure, and a standardized postoperative rehabilitation process. Outcome measures assessed were the Ashworth scale for spasticity, ...
This study retrospectively evaluated the safety and efficacy of selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) in participants who underwent a rigorous selection process, uniform surgical procedure, and a standardized postoperative rehabilitation process. Outcome measures assessed were the Ashworth scale for spasticity, ...
Selective dorsal rhizotomy followed by physical therapy is a permanent procedure aimed to alleviate hypertonicity. OBJECTIVE: To explore the efficacy of selective dorsal rhizotomy (SDR) followed by a physical training on gross motor function (GMF), functional balance, walking capacity, selective motor ...
SIDR is a safe and effective procedure in strictly selected patients with persistent monoradicular leg pain without residual nerve root compression. Considering the high costs and complication rates of SCS, the results of this study warrant a randomized controlled trial comparing the cost-effectiveness ...