Being in a dry environment, being a smoker or being around a smoker increases our chances of catching colds and also resulting in more complications like bronchitis and pneumonia. Signs and Symptoms in multiple combinations: Runny nose, cough, sneezing, headache, sore throat, mild fever, fatigue...
ii. Hand-foot and mouth(A,B): vesicular eruptions on buccal mucosa & hard palate, hands & feet of kids. iv. Pleurodynia (B): (Bornholm disease or 'Devils Grip'). Abrupt onset of fever and intense abd/ chest pain on breathing (pleuritic pain). Recovery: 2 days-2 wks. ...
Thankfullyfor the suppression/eradication fo COVID-19, we’ve sort of dialled down the “fever and..” reason for presenting for a test. Now,anynew signs and symptoms are test-worthy, and with good reason as we see below. The red circles highlight all the non-fever related signs and ...