“Most of my rhinoplasty patients don’t come to me looking for the perfect nose, but simply the nose that suits them best, the one they feel they were meant to have…That’s why it’s particularly difficult for a patient to deal with a failed nose operation–to them, it feels like ...
Schedule a rhinoplasty consultation with a nose job expert in New York today. 20+ years of experience, over 5,000 successful surgeries.
Bulbous nose surgery is a special rhinoplasty procedure that involves reshaping a bulbous, round, or wide tip nose to a more defined nose complimentary to ones face. The bulbosity of the nasal tip is typically due to excessive width to the car...
Most commonly, nose surgery is performed to address an upturned, bulbous, large, or drooping nasal tip; upturned, wide, or large nostrils; depressions or visible humps on the bridge; too much width at the base; an overall too-large appearance; nasal deviation; and asymmetry....
Maybe the tip is too wide, pinched, large or bulbous. In the hands of a skilled plastic surgeon, these and other concerns can be addressed by “Cosmetic Rhinoplasty.” The true function of your nose is to allow air to enter and exit the body. When nasal passageways are obstructed, ...
Bulbous or drooping nose tip Long nose Crooked nose Many patients begin researching nose surgery and wait for years to seek treatment, while they envision what their lives would look like if they felt confident about their appearance. After their procedure, patients love the freedom of looking gre...
A rhinoplasty surgery can reshape the nose and work in the following different ways: Correction of bulbous, droopy, hooked, or upturned nose Correction of deviated nasal septum Open the blocked nasal passages for improved breathing Correction of nostrils that are too small, too large, too wide,...
Open rhinoplasty tends to be most suitable for correcting bulbous nose tips, protruding nose tips or tips that are twisted or have an irregular shape. Some surgeons prefer this techniques as it allows them greater control and more predictable results. ...
on this 29 year old woman who was concerned about her large bulbous tip, wide nasal bones and irregular nasal dorsum. Her small irregular dorsal hump was removed, her nasal bones were narrowed and her tip was refined in order to create a smaller, more defined and more beautiful nose. ...
A drooping or hooked nose A bulbous tipCandidates for Rhinoplasty in ChicagoChicago residents of most ages can benefit from rhinoplasty. It is a popular option that’s accessible to men and women aged 16 or older. Though teenagers can get nose surgery, they should be emotionally and physically...