名古屋吻鰕虎Rhinogobius nagoyae生物学分类 中文学名 精简详细 …>鰕虎目>背眼鰕虎科>吻鰕虎属>名古屋吻鰕虎 特性标签 淡水环境 中国有分布 简介 资料待整理。 催更 排行榜 以下为Oxudercidae/背眼鰕虎科鱼类的简略描述。 较Gobiidae/鰕虎科无明显形态特征,为分子系统学所划分,海水淡水均有。 以下摘录自《...
Carnivores Cetaceans Bats Dasyuroids Opossums Sirenia Primates Xenarthra Reptiles Amphibians Rhinogobius nagoyae nagoyae Nothing known about the Rhinogobius nagoyae nagoyaeCommon names 台湾名古屋吻鰕虎鱼 in Mandarin Chinese台灣名古屋吻鰕虎魚 in Mandarin Chinese名古屋吻鰕虎 in Mandarin Chinese...
密点吻虾虎鱼 Rhinogobius nagoyaeJordan & Seale, 1906 名古屋吻虾虎鱼 Rhinogobius nammaensisChen & Kottelat, 2001 南马吻虾虎鱼 Rhinogobius nandujiangensisChen, Miller, Wu & Fang, 2002 南渡江吻虾虎鱼 Rhinogobius nantaiensisAonuma & Chen, 1996 南台吻虾虎鱼 Rhinogobius nigerS. P. Huang, I. S. Ch...
We used underwater visual surveys to investigate this species' size-dependent habitat use, both in isolation and in the presence of a sympatric congener, Rhinogobius nagoyae Jordan & Seale, 1906. A generalized linear mixed model and multiple comparison tests revealed that...
配图暂缺 名古屋吻鰕虎Rhinogobius nagoyae 配图暂缺 南台吻鰕虎Rhinogobius nantaiensis 配图暂缺 短吻红斑吻鰕虎Rhinogobius rubromaculatus 配图暂缺 瑶山吻鰕虎Rhinogobius yaoshanensis 配图暂缺 清迈吻鰕虎Rhinogobius chiengmaiensis 配图暂缺 湄公河吻鰕虎Rhinogobius mekongianus 显示非常见物种 [35] ...
flumineus and Rhinogobius nagoyae were investigated in two rivers in southern central Honshu, Japan: one site with both species in sympatry and the other site with R. flumineus in allopatry. Analyses of nest stone, egg clutch, and male body sizes demonstrated that reproductive success, namely...
We monitored the abundance of a non-native ( Rhinogobius sp. OR) and two native stream gobies ( R. fluviatilis and R. nagoyae ) over a decade, from 1995 to 2004, in a fixed reach of a tributary of the Kamo River, southwestern Japan. The non-native Rhinogobius sp. OR appeared and ...