还有rhino制作的模型能不能有类似ug,pro/e中的solid类型。好像rhino没有offiset surface功能,作出的模型都是空心的。 如果没有牵涉到机构部份,Rhino当然可以直接制作开模用的模具模型,有一套叫做VisualMill的软体也已经可以直接读取Rhino的模型档,然後出CNC机器的G-Code http://www.mecsoft.com/ .是的,那是因为...
can be viewed by checking this option. Photopia attributes are indicated with a symbol and text describing the type of data, like "PhotopiaSettings". Deleting specific attributes will remove that data from the model, but this should be done only with a clear knowledge of the data being ...
Select allpointobjects,control points,edit points, andsolid points. SelPtCloud Select all point cloud objects. SelBlockInstance Select all block instances. SelBlockInstanceNamed Select all block instances by name. SelLight Select all lights.
One of the primary geometry types in Rhino is the "BREP solid", which holds one or NURBS surfaces. Rhino also allows one or more 'render meshes' to be assigned to each BREP object. The render meshes are created when you press the Render button inside of Rhino. It tessellates each BREP...
Draw a solid ellipsoid.EMap Visually evaluate surface smoothness using an image bitmap reflected in the surface.EMapOff Turn off environment map display.EnableClippingPlane Turn on selected clipping planes in the active viewport.EndBulge Adjust the shape of a curve at its end or a surface near...
These enhancements make modeling more engaging and user-friendly. By using these tools together, common solid creation and editing tasks become easier and allow you to work in a single Perspective view while modeling. P Modeling Simplified
Saving ("Bake") the deformed shape In addition to minor bug fixes, the interface has been expanded to support user-requested visualization capabilities. The legend display has been moved to the document window for improved readability and better use of precious screen real estate. The View tab ...
“NURBS are mathematical representations of 3D geometry that can accurately describe any shape, from a simple 2D line, circle, arc or curve to a very complex free-form 3D organic surface or solid. Because of their flexibility and accuracy, NURBS models can be used in any process, such as ...
A solid mesh from 3D scan data fragments. Meshes without internal self-intersections. Offset meshes for shelling. Meshes from point clouds when reverse engineering. Valid closed meshes from broken or often hard-to-repair geometry. Modeling Simplified ...