3Rhino Media founderDon Stanleyis an internationally-recognized speaker andaward-winning educator. Clients rely on Don to educate, engage, entertain, and inspire them. He speaks at keynotes, conferences, company events, and offers customized on-site workshops. ...
During theSemana Creartivaevent organized byEscuela Superior de Arte y Diseño de Andalucía,Ana Monreal, industrial designer and cofounder ofROJOmandarinadesign studio, will deliver a presentation on parametric design. Ana will explain what parametric design is, its advantages, how it can be applie...
Investigating the behavior and physiology of a re-introduced black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) founder group in Namibia with emphasis on camera trapsSchwabe, FSavanna Science Network Meeting
Walker, C.HPachydermWalker CH. 1992. Boma management, construction and techniques for a founder population of black rhinos (Diceros bicornis minor) as applied in Lapalala Wilderness, South Africa. Pachyderm 15:40-45.