Fit a curve through locations on a surface. Sketch Drag the mouse to draw a curve. See:Wikipedia: Non-uniform rational B-spline. Conic-section curves Conic-section curves were first defined as the intersection of: a right circular cone of varying vertex angle; a plane perpendicular to an el...
AllLayersOn Turn all layers on 打开所有的层 Along Track along a line 沿着一条线的轨迹移动 Angle Measure the angle between two lines 测量两条线间的夹角 ApplyCrv Apply a curve to a surface 将曲线投影到面上 ApplyMesh Apply a mesh to surface 将网格投射到面上 Arc Draw an arc 画弧线 Arc3...
Turnalllayerson翻开全部的层 Along Trackalongaline沿着一条线的轨迹移动 Angle Measuretheanglebetweentwolines测量两条线间的夹角 ApplyCrv Applyacurvetoasurface将曲线投影到面上 ApplyMesh Applyameshtosurface将网格投射到面上 Arc Drawanarc画弧线 Arc3Pt ...
18、ach thick gridline设定粗栅格线间的细栅格的数目J HBarEdit a curve or surface with handlebars利用控制点调节手柄编辑曲线或面HeightfieldCreate a surface by color values of a bitmap根据图片的颜色值生成曲面HelixDraw a helixi/ i画螺旋线IHelpHelp. Run this command in the middle of another command...
Create a "Surface" component and use the "Set one surface" context menu entry to draw a surface in Rhino with the "Surface from 3 or 4 corner points" tool. Connect the "Surface" to the "Shapes" input. Now CityEngine for Rhino will generate the model in the Rhino viewport.Table...
Draw a line normal to a surface 画条直线垂直于另一个面 NoElev Turn off elevator mode 关闭垂直升降式绘图方式 NoSnap Turn object snaps off 关闭物体捕捉 Notes Add notes to your model 给模型写注解 Offset Offset a curve 平行位移镜像 OffsetSrf Offset a surface 平行位移镜像曲面 OneLayerOn Turn ...
AllLayersOn Turn all layers on 打开所有的层 Along Track along a line 沿着一条线的轨迹移动 Angle Measure the angle between two lines 测量两条线间的夹角 ApplyCrv Apply a curve to a surface 将曲线投影到面上 ApplyMesh Apply a mesh to surface 将网格投射到面上 Arc Draw an arc 画弧线 Arc3...
Draw a line normal to a surface 画条直线垂直于另一个面 NoElev Turn off elevator mode 关闭垂直升降式绘图方式 NoSnap Turn object snaps off 关闭物体捕捉 Notes Add notes to your model 给模型写注解 Offset Offset a curve 平行位移镜像 OffsetSrf Offset a surface 平行位移镜像曲面 OneLayerOn Turn ...
Draw the arrow elements. Create a block from the geometry. Note The base point of the arrowhead block determines how the arrowhead is placed on the end of a dimension line or a leader. In the illustration below: (1) The base point of the arrowhead block is placed at the tip of the...
Set the view based on the probe position and direction.DigClick Pick a location with a digitizing arm.DigDisconnect Disconnect the digitizing arm.Digitize Connect and initialize a digitizing arm.DigLine Draw a line normal to a surface with a digitizing arm....