Rhinite allergique, une symptomatologie handicapante malgré les traitements actuellement disponiblesAllergic rhinitisSymptomatologyTherapyManagementEconomicsAllergic rhinitis (AR) is a common disease, the symptoms of which can have a strong effect on patients' quality of life. It can be the reason for...
Giant RNA's were prepared by a rapid gel-filtration technique. DNAase, pronase and thyroid homogenate were successively placed on the column. Proteins and DNA were degraded during filtration. Void volume contained pure giant RNA's. Giant RNAs' yield was 7 times higher with this method than ...
Rhinite allergique à Trichophyton rubrum résolutive sous traitement antifongiquedoi:10.1016/S0335-7457(97)80030-5Trichophyton rubrumRhiniteAllergieRhinitisAllergySummary The authors report the case of a 26-year-old patient with perennial rhinitis associated with chronic plantar interdigital Trichophyton ...
ImmunotherapyAdherenceDoseAllergen sensitivityNasal abnormalitiesFailure of an apparently well-conducted course of immunotherapy raises a number of questions. The physician is led to consider the possibility of poor adherence to the treatment regime and also the possibility of too low a dose of allergenic...