Koptak, Paul E. 1996. "Rhetorical Criticism of the Bible: A Resource for Preaching." in: Covenant Quarterly 54 No. 3:26.Koptak, Paul E. "Rhetorical Criticism of the Bible: A Resource for Preaching." The Covenant Quarterly LIV, no. 3 (August 1996): 26-37....
vii + 238. $23.95.THE LANGUAGE AND IMAGERY OF THE BIBLE. By G. B. Caird. London: Duckworth, 1980; pp. vii + 280. $20.95.NEW TESTAMENT INTERPRETATION THROUGH RHETORICAL CRITICISM. By George A. Kennedy. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1984; pp. vii + 171. $17.50; ...
Schlimm, Matthew R. ``Biblical Studies and Rhetorical Criticism: Bridging the Divide Between the Hebrew Bible and Communication.'' Review of Communication 7.3 (2007): 244-275. Print.Schlimm, Matthew R. "Biblical Studies and Rhetorical Criticism: Bridging the Divide Between the Hebrew Bible and ...
Rhetorical Criticism of the Bible: A Resource for Preaching Rhetoric and preaching - what do the two have to do with one another? The question is as old as the early church's concern over the use of pagan practices of oratory. Today, many are wary that the study of ancient and contempor...
In Part One she surveys the historical antecedents of the method from ancient times to the postmodern era: classical rhetoric, literary critical theory, literary study of the Bible, and form criticism. Trible then presents samples of rhetorical analysis as the art of composition and as the art....
John Elliott, Social-Scientific Criticism of the New Testament and Its Social World (Semeia 35), Atlanta, SBL, 1986, 44–45; Bruce J. Malina, “The Social Sciences and the Biblical Interpretation”, in Normal K. Gottwald (ed.), The Bible and Liberation: Political and Social Hermeneutics, ...
he writes that he would try and answer their criticism in ‘patient’ terms. Since we are normally the most patient with people below our mental level, this changes his tone to tolerant and somewhat condescending, suggesting that he is doing them a great favor by taking the time to ‘answe...
president of SCLC, has affiliate ties in Birmingham, and was invited by those ties to the city, there was enough reason for his presence. Political ties, however, may not be enough for some. One criticism of this letter is that King was too harsh to the church in describing his ...
Scepsis is not cynicism.Sceptical questions await answers;cynical ones,byassuming that al l answers are equal lyinadequate,concludeconversations in thestyleof Pi late.Smit (1996:421)rightlywarnsthata form of rhetorical criticism may become“a powerful cynical tool in a new cynical discourse”,an ...
"In 2010, the expressions targeted for criticism includedahead offor 'before,'face up'confront,' andfess upforconfess(Kahn 2010). A counterargument has often been that these expressions are historically English, but the truths ofhistorical linguisticsare seldom persuasive or even seen as germane ...